畅想2015英文作文怎么写( 二 )

我可以想像出中国未来的蓝图是怎么样的?未来中国是站在世界先进国家的前列 。在那时候中国的交通是在空中发展 。
它集合了世界上最先进的设计技术,把悬浮火车在现在的基础上提高了它的稳定性 。所以以后人们想去那都很方便 。
乘搭这趟火车,一会儿就可以到达你想要去的地方 。这种新的技术给我们带来解决节省空间使用的难题 。
在那个年代的中国,不但有这样技术,而且还有空中住房,空中超市,还有很多的空中交通设施 。祖国的繁荣昌盛,我们为此娇傲! (附言:对不起!昨天不知怎的网落不稳一直不让我提交 。
搞了大半天都不成功 。今天才可以 。
你看一下行不行 。我是帮你重写了一编 。
【畅想2015英文作文怎么写】字数在140左右 。我想应该可以 。
我附了中文翻译解释 给你,让你容易看懂 。谢谢!我已加你了 。
你核实 。) 。
每每想到以前,心里总是有一种心酸的感觉,我到底虚度了多少光阴,想想,都不禁后悔不已 。但是回忆2014我做了什么,却无言以对,我好像每一天都干着同样的事,又好像每个时间都干着类似的事,每个人都会说,要珍惜时间,可是真正做到的又有几个呢?我现在做到了努力,我至少尝试了,可是却坚持不了 。
每天,经历的时间都使我战战兢兢,有时会异常平静 。或许,就应该如此吧!我不得不努力,因为我在这一年来有对手,所以就必须要努力 。每个星期都有不一样的我,每个星期我都有不一样的心情 。想想,作文,这一年来我写了几篇呢?有时有感而发,有时无感 。作文写完以后我都不敢再看一遍,因为我的心中接受不了当时的自己,我没有勇气查看,我用真情实感写的那些作文 。
2015年或许,我更要努力了,努力着,我没有任何的愿望,也不再抱怨着什么,相信我只需要安安静静的做好我自己而已,我希望我能一如既往的努力,而不是知难而退 。我不敢想以后,因为我现在的我都做的不足够好,我有如何想以后呢?其实,我们每个人都在逃避着某些事情,但是终究会面对 。
而我们逃避的那件事情却到最后做不好,当我们以前说这那些话,做的那些事,有些会让我们足够的后悔,其实我们每个人都会有这样的时候,倒不如,放下,我要放下2014年的那些事以及坏习惯,这或许现在说着那么的容易,可是,我却不相信我能做到!与其等待着时间的流逝,倒不如多做一些有意义的事情 。我不想再过多的畅想未来,而我只想珍惜现在,面对这些事情,做的更好些 。
3.畅想未来的英文作文请问可不可以问多一点的informations? 1) 要大概多少字?2)需要那方面的畅想?谢谢! IMAGINE THE FUTURE COMPOSITION I have a dream from last night. The dream was a increditable journey of electronic toilet experience. Don't worry I am not talk about the yackety-yack thing. I just want to distribution my amazing dream with anyone. In my dream, I was in a place which was I never been there before. I was looking for a toilet for sort my personal things out that time. When I was arrived to toilet, it not looks like our today used style. It looks like a big box, seems our the public telephone box. I was shocking in there. Suddenly one very soft male's voice talk to me. Ask me want to use a toilet or not? I answered the voice said yes. Then the voice guided me to press the green buttom and the door slowly to open. As the door open I can heard a very nice music and can smell a very fresh air from inside the box. In this time the voice started to talk to me again. He introducted himself who was this toilet's manager to help anyone to use this electronic toilet. He was a very good guider. When I went in this electronic toilet he was very quick and simple and clear to let me know how to use this toilet and the rule to used. I followed his guiding start my this special electronic toilet experience journey. Firstly when I got in the toilet, the toilet door will automatically closed and the toilet music started to run. While you start to use their service, the option panel will start work, people can use their interesting to choice what kind of the personal activity service during your toilet used time. There have games, maganine, TV, Radio 。