
1.色即是空翻译成梵文怎么写???????????????????????? ?
般若 波罗蜜多 心 经
? ??? ????????? ?
??????????????????????????? ????????? ????????????????? ?????? ?????? ?????????? ??? ?
观 自在 菩萨 行深 般若波罗蜜多 时 照见
???? ???????? ?????? ???????????????????? ??? ?
【色即是空翻译成英语怎么写】五 蕴 皆空 度一切苦厄
?? ????????? ???? ??????? ???????? ???? ??????? ????? ??????? ??????? ? ????????? ??????? ?? ??????? ?? ??????? ??????? ?
(此) 舍利子 (色 即空) (空 即是 色) 色不异空 空不异色 色即是空 空即是色
????? ???????????????????????????? ?
〔后〕 受 想 行 识 亦复如是
?? ????????? ?????????? ????????????? ?????????? ????????? ???? ? ????? ???? ? ?????????? ?
(此) 舍利子 是 诸法 〔前〕空相 不生 不灭 不垢 不净 不增 不减
???????????????? ?????????? ? ???? ? ????? ? ?????? ? ???????? ? ?????????? ?
是故(舍利子) 空中 无 色 无 受 (无) 想 (无) 行 (无) 识
? ?????? ??????????????????????????? ?
无 眼 耳 鼻 舌 身 意
2.色即是空空即是色用英文怎么说Incense Praise香 赞 Incense in the censer now is burning,炉香乍爇 All the Dharma Realm receives the fragrance.法界蒙熏 From afar the sea-vast host of Buddhas, All inhale its sweetness.诸佛海会悉遥闻 In every place auspicious clouds appearing随处结祥云 Our sincere intentions thus fulfilling诚意方殷 As all Buddhas show their perfect bodies诸佛现全身 Namo Incense Cloud Canopy Bodhisattva, Mahasattva Namo Incense Cloud Canopy Bodhisattva, Mahasattva Namo Incense Cloud Canopy Bodhisattva, Mahasattva 南无香云盖菩萨摩诃萨 Verse for Opening a Sutra开经偈 The unsurpassed, profound, and wonderful Dharma,无上甚深微妙法 Is difficult to encounter in hundreds of millions of eons,百千万劫难遭遇 I now see and hear it, receive and uphold it,我今见辟得受持 And I vow to fathom the Tathagata's true meaning. 愿解如来真宝义Heart Sutra 心 经 When Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara was practicing the profound Prajna Paramita, he illuminated the Five Skandhas and saw that they are all empty, and he crossed beyond all suffering and difficulty. 观自在普萨行深般若波罗密多时.照见五蕴皆空.度一切苦厄.Shariputra, form does not differ from emptiness; emptiness does not differ from form. Form itself is emptiness; emptiness itself is form. So too are feeling, cognition, formation, and consciousness. 舍利子.色不异空.空不异色.色即是空.空即是色.受想行识.亦复如是.Shariputra, all Dharmas are empty of characteristics. They are not produced, not destroyed, not defiled, not pure; and they neither increase nor diminish. 舍利子.是诸法空相.不生不灭.不垢不 净.不增不减.Therefore, in emptiness there is no form, feeling, cognition, formation, or consciousness; no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, or mind; no sights, sounds, smells, tastes, objects of touch, or Dharmas; no field of the eyes up to and including no field of mind consciousness; and no ignorance or ending of ignorance, up to and including no old age and death or ending of old age and death. 是故空中无色.无受想行识.无眼耳鼻舌意. 无色声香味触法.无眼界.乃至无意识界.无无明亦无无明 尽.乃至无老死.亦无老死尽.把全文都给你了,啊能给我加分啊 。
3.色即是空 空即是色 用英文怎么说空即是色,色即是空,color is empty,empty is color,Yes,来,不要怕!跟我念,一二三 。
.起,one for all,all for one,beat your wife and have some fun,beat your wife and have some fun,冻逼帅,佛搂密,波耶波罗密,波多野结衣,阿弥陀佛跟我读,people mountain people sea,麦当劳,肯德基,贫僧法号叫福喜,you can you up no bb,you can you up no bb!处处闻啼鸟,why are you so diao,康你七娃 思密达,巴嘎牙路 康巴哇,席八 欧巴 么么哒,再来一次一二三,all for one,one for all,beat your wife delay no more(丢雷楼谋),beat your wife delay no more(丢雷楼谋),beat your wife delay no more(丢雷楼谋) 。