1.求问“冷艳” 用英语怎么说Cold beauty,可根据冷艳的词性(主要是名词和形容词) 。我觉得可以直接组成为“cold-beauty”做形容词,词语本来就可以用来进行组合创作,意思是可以理解的,如“明月”大家不会认为是“明天的月亮” 。而是“明亮的月亮” 。
Thomas Hood有一首诗如下(其实外国文学传统还是有用“cold beauty”的说法,本诗用中古代英语写的,我用现代英语译第一段,大家可以体会以下意境 。关于作者,就去百度上查吧 。)
To A Cold Beauty
By Thomas Hood
Lady, wouldst thou heiress be Lady,would you be heiress 姑娘,你莫非要继承
When he sets the rivers free, when he sets the rivers free, 他让河流都自由了
Thou dost still lock up thy heart; -- you do still lock up your heart,- 你却依然锁住你的心房,
Thou that shouldst outlast the snow you should outlast the snow 你应该比冰雪更长久
Scorn and cold neglect are made
For winter gloom and winter wind,
But thou wilt wrong the summer air,
Breathing it to words unkind, --
Breath which only should belong
To love, to sunlight, and to song!
When the little buds unclose,
Red, and white, and pied, and blue
And that virgin flower, the rose,
Opes her heart to hold the dew,
Wilt thou lock thy bosom up
Let not cold December sit
Thus in Love's peculiar throne; --
Brooklets are not prisoned now,
But crystal frosts are all agone,
And, that which hangs upon the spray,
It is no snow, but flower of May!
The Poetical Works Of Thomas Hood
2.下雪的 英语单词怎么写下雪的 snowy ['sn?ui]
英 ['sn???] 美 ['sno?]
adj. 下雪的,多雪的;被雪覆盖的;洁白无瑕的
[ 比较级 snowier 最高级 snowiest ]
snowy owl 雪鸮 ; 雪枭 ; 猫头鹰 ; 白雪猫头鹰
Snowy Night 雪夜
Snowy River 雪河 ; 思诺河干红葡萄酒 ; 思诺河 ; 冰雪河
snowy peaks 雪峰 ; 雪山 ; 正在翻译 ; 白雪皑皑的山峰
snowy love 情雪
Snowy Hill 雪丘 ; 雪山
Snowy Panda 小熊猫
snowy adj 形容词
snowy landscape 雪一般风景图片
【曾冰雪英文怎么写】Try to step on them in slippery / snowy conditions 。or better not.
试着在下雨/下雪的情况下踩上它们 。。还是算了吧 。
If you live in the snowy part of the Northern Hemisphere, you might be very tired of winter by now.
如果你住在北半球的多雪的地方,如今你有可能已经对冬天产生厌倦 。
On a snowy February night, she died in her former dining room, surrounded by the people and things she loved.
二月里一个下雪的夜晚,她死在了房子以前的餐厅里,四周是她爱的人,她爱的事物 。
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