3. 第一篇:Bruce Lee is an incredible figure, he was born in 1940 in California, San Francisco, native of Guangdong, China, an average of the town of Shunde. He is the world Budo reform pioneer, martial arts, martial arts philosopher, UFC MMA, founder of the father, martial arts master, Kung Fu pioneer and founder of Jeet kune do, Chinese martial arts film actor, Chinese Kung Fu first global promotion, the first Chinese Hollywood actor. He is in Hongkong's four Movie 3 times to break the number of records, including the dragon "broke the Asian movie box office records, cooperation with the Hollywood" "a dragon and a tiger in combat global total box office of $230 million.
第二篇:The hummingbird, which belongs to the family of hummingbirds, has a two - wing vibration when it flies. The body is small, colorful, and scaly feathers, shining iridescent or metallic luster, the male is more bright; slender and straight, some curved, individual species curved upward; tongue retractable fin; narrow; the tip of the tail, fork or racket shape; short legs, toes small and weak.
Flight two wings rapidly flapping, fast and powerful and lasting; frequency is more than 50 times per second. Good at enduring "grounded" wandering in the flowers, sometimes also inverted. A close genetic relationship with swift. Hummingbirds, like other birds, do not have a well-developed olfactory system, but mainly rely on vision. About 90% of the hummingbird's food comes from nectar, and the rest are arthropods, including flies, wasps, spiders, beetles and ants. They are thin and long beak is suitable for drawing nectar.
4.鸟类的英语单词phoenix / 5fi:niks/ 凤凰 eagle / 5i:gl/ 鹰 condor / 5kRndR:/ 秃鹰 hawk / hR:k/ 鹰 falcon / 5fR:lkEn, 5fR:kEn/ 隼 heron / 5herEn/ 苍鹰 kite / kait/ 鹞 vulture / 5vQltFE/ 秃鹫 peacock / 5pi:kRk/ 孔雀 duck / dQk/ 鸭 pelican / 5pelikEn/ 鹈鹕 cormorant / 5kRrmErEnt/ 鸬鹚 swan / swRn/ 天鹅 wild goose / / 雁 pigeon / pidVin/ 鸽子 pheasant / 5fZznt/ 雉 , 野鸡 quail / kweil/ 鹌鹑 ostrich / 5RstritF/ 鸵鸟 stork / stR:k/ 鹳 seagull / / 海鸥 albatross / 5AlbEtrRs/ 信天翁 kingfisher / 5kiNfiFE/ 翠鸟 woodpecker / 5wudpekE/ 啄木鸟 parrot / 5pArEt/ 鹦鹉 cuckoo / 5kuku:/ 杜鹃 , 布谷鸟 crow / krEu/ 乌鸦 magpie / 5mAgpai/ 喜鹊 swallow / 5swRlEu/ 燕子 sparrow / 5spArEu/ 麻雀 nightingale / 5naitiNgeil/ 夜莺 canary / kE5nZEri/ 金丝雀 starling / 5sta:liN/ 八哥 thrush / WrQF/ 画眉 goldfinch / 5gouldfintF/ 金翅雀 robin / 5rRbin/ 知更鸟 。
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