
1.关于 天赋和后天的努力 的英语作文Effort is more important, if you have not acquired the effort, your talent will not get raise, but will be devoid of silence. Edison said, "Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration" 。
【天赋是后天培养的英语作文怎么写】Qinnengbuzhuo, "Qin Shu-shan a road for the track" shows the importance of the day after tomorrow. Also be said that God rewards the diligent. 。
2.关于 天赋和后天的努力 的英语作文Effort is more important, if you have not acquired the effort, your talent will not get raise, but will be devoid of silence. Edison said, "Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration" 。
Qinnengbuzhuo, "Qin Shu-shan a road for the track" shows the importance of the day after tomorrow. Also be said that God rewards the diligent 。. 。
3.在发展或个性中扮演重要角色的是后天培养的英语作文Rich and sensitive to human feelings, life, bit by bit will toggle our heartstrings, moved and caused the initial human desire. So with the music, the music became a way to vent our best, every beat of the music note regarded the performance of our inner world vividly.Listening to music is a pleasure, not only linger in the mind, and echoed in my heart. He enlightened us, let us rejoice, blood boiling.人类的感情丰富而敏感,生活的一点一滴都会拨动我们的心弦,引发人类最 初的感动和想望.于是有了音乐,音乐成了我们最好的宣泄方式,音乐里每一个跳动的音符都把我们的内心世界表现得淋漓尽致.听音乐是一种享受,它不仅在心头萦绕,而且在心头回荡.他启迪我们,让我们欢欣鼓舞,热血沸腾 。
“Where there is a will, there is way” is an old proverb which almost everyone knows, but not all understand it so well. Actually, it means that whether you are born well, you can become a genius if you use the efforts of the day after tomorrow.
“有志者事竟成”是一句几乎人人都知道的古老谚语,但并非人人都明白 。事实上,这意味着,不管你出生是否优秀,你都可以成为天才,如果你利用后天的努力 。
5.天赋跟后天努力哪个更重要英文辩论Effort is more important, if you have not acquired the effort, your talent will not get raise, but will be devoid of silence. Edison said, "Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration" 。Qinnengbuzhuo, "Qin Shu-shan a road for the track" shows the importance of the day after tomorrow. Also be said that God rewards the diligent.
后天努力更重要,如果你没有后天的努力,你的天赋就得不到提升,而是会在沉默中泯灭 。爱迪生说过“成功是1%的灵感加99%的汗水” 。勤能补拙,“书山有路勤为径”可见后天的重要性 。也可以说是天道酬 。

