
1.学习经验英语怎么写learning experience(2)学习经验(learning experience):在学copy习2113中发生的、包括学生的所见5261、所闻和所感 。
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学习经验learning experience;learning experiences
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其他学习经验other learning experience
2.求写一篇法律英语作文,切记要是法律的,专业点的Jurisprudence 法理1.A subsequent ratification has a retrospective affect, and be equivalent to a prior command.事后追认有溯及力,等同先前命令 。
2.Absolute power corrupts absolutely.绝对权力绝对腐败 。3.Fairness and justice in a jurisdiction are realized case by case being settled properly.司法的公正和正义是通过案件逐一得到妥善解决予以实现的 。
4.Give a thief enough rope and he'll hang himself.多行不义必自毙 。5.Good order is the foundation of all things.良好的秩序是一切之基础 。
6.Ignorance of law excuses no one.不知法不能成为任何人逃避法律的借口 。7.In a healthy legal system the values of order and justice are not normally at cross-purposes.在健全的法律制度中,秩序和正义这两个价值一般不会冲突 。
8.In doubt, the milder course is to be followed.遇有疑义时应遵循从宽原则 。9.Infancy is a shield, not a sword.未成年可作为抗辩之理由,但不能作为攻击之借口 。
10.It is an important step to replace the rule of men with the rule of law in China's justice reforms.以法治代替人治是中国司法改革的重要一步 。11.It is better to fight for justice than to rail at the ill.与其责骂罪恶,不如伸张正义 。
12.Justice must not only be done, but must be seen to be done.正义不仅应得到实现,而且还应以人们看得见的方式得到实现 。13.Let right be done, though the heavens fall.秉公办事,何惧天塌下来 。
14.Like reason makes like law.相似的理由导致相似的规则 。15.No man should benefit from his own injustice.没有人应当从自己的过错中获益 。
16.Nobody has a more sacred obligation to obey the law than those who make the law.法律制定者比谁都更具有守法之神圣义务 。17.She who comes to equity come with clean hands.自身清白者方能获得衡平救济 。
18.State ways cannot change folkways.国家手段不能改变社会习俗 。19.Suppression of the thuth is the expression of what is false.压抑真相,犹如做伪 。
20.The history of liberty has largely been the history of the observance of procedural safeguards.自由的历史在很大程度上是遵守秩序保障条款的历史 。21.The place governs the act.场所支配行为 。
22.The rules must not be constantly changing.规则不得朝令夕改 。23.The same transaction give rise to both a civil and a criminal action.同一活动可能会导致民事和刑事诉讼 。
【切记英语怎么写】24.The spoken word flies; the written word remains.口说无凭,立此为证 。25.Though few are punished, the fear of punishment affects all.惩一儆百 。
26.Truth is afraid of nothing but concealment.真相无所惧,唯怕被隐瞒 。27.We must follow a strict interpretation of the rules.我们必须对规则严格解释 。
28.Who pardons the bad, injures the good.宽恕坏人必伤及好人 。29.Without judicial review, statutory limits would be naught but empty words.没有司法审查,法定权限将只是一句空话 。
30.Wrong laws makes short government.法制不健全,统治也短命 。望采纳 Jurisprudence 法理1.A subsequent ratification has a retrospective affect, and be equivalent to a prior command.事后追认有溯及力,等同先前命令 。
2.Absolute power corrupts absolutely.绝对权力绝对腐败 。3.Fairness and justice in a jurisdiction are realized case by case being settled properly.司法的公正和正义是通过案件逐一得到妥善解决予以实现的 。