
【拿着粽的英文怎么写】The Dragon Boat Festival
端午节,为每年农历五月初五,又称端阳节、午日节、五月节、龙舟节、浴兰节等 。是流行于中国以及汉字文化圈诸国的传统文化节日,
端午节起源于中国,最初为祛病防疫的节日,吴越之地春秋之前有在农历五月初五以龙舟竞渡形式举行部落图腾祭祀的习俗;后因诗人屈原抱石自投汨罗江身死,又成为华人纪念屈原的传统节日;部分地区也有纪念伍子胥、曹娥等说法 。
端午节自古便有食粽、饮雄黄久不息 。受中华文化的影响,中秋节也是汉字文化圈国家以及世界各地华人华侨的传统节日 。
2.关于端午节的英文作文如何写呢Dragon Boat Festival
Dragon Boat Festival is one of the most important lunar festivals in China.It is on the 5th of the fifth lunar month.
Almost every Chinese spends this festival.Before,in China,when this day comes,we don't have holiday.But from year 2008 on,the government specified this day as the holiday.Therefore,we can have enough time and energy to celebrate this day.
In my memery,Dragon Boat Festival is in memory of the greatest poet Quyuan who was a patriot and died for his Country.He died from suicide .He threw himself into the river.In order to memorize him,people invented the zongzi which is a pyramid-shaped dumpling made by glutinous rice wrapped in reed or bamboo leaves.This custom is handed down till now.We now still eat zongzi.When it mentions zongzi,we have to mention Jiaxing zongzi from Zhenjiang province.The zongzi from this place is very famous and delicious .We suggest you should have a try.
Besides eating zongzi in this festival,some places also have dragon boat races.It is also in memory of Quyuan.Dragon boat is a quite interesting game which is liked by people deeply.Also there are many other activities that day.In my hometown,we need to eat eggs.I think everyone must have their own ways to celebrate their festival.
上面是我自己写的,写的不好请见谅,我觉得应该先介绍一下这个节日,比如是哪天,它的由来,一些风俗,把自己了解的都写进去就行了 。
3.“粽子”英文怎么说“粽子”英文是Zongzi或者Zong(参考维基说法,rice dumplings也是可以的 。)
很多中文的英文翻译都是汉语拼音直译,粽子就是 。粽籺(zòng zi),俗称“粽子”,古称“角黍”、“裹蒸”、“包米”、“筒粽”等 。
粽籺一是一种用箬叶、芦叶、柊叶、露兜叶或槲叶等包裹糯米或黏黍,经过蒸煮而成的食品,为中国及汉文化圈国家传统节庆食物之一 。粽,本作“糉”,新中国以“粽”为规范字 。
《说文新附》∶“糉,芦叶裹米也 。”《太平御览》卷八百五十一引晋朝周处《风土记》:“俗以菰叶裹黍米,以淳浓灰汁煮之令烂熟,于五月五日及夏至啖之,一名糉,一名角黍 。”
粽早在春秋时期就已出现,最初是用来祭祀祖先和神灵 。到了晋代,粽成为了端午节庆食物 。
粽作为中国历史文化积淀最深厚的传统食品之一,亦传播甚远 。日本、越南以及华人聚居的新加坡、马来西亚、缅甸等地也有吃粽的习俗 。
4.端午节吃的粽子用英语怎么说一般来说,rice dumpling 或glutinous rice dumpling 就行了,说zongzi可能有人不明白 。
当然,最好先直接音译,即:zongzi, rice dumpling 或 glutinous rice dumpling,然后,再进行解释,如:glutinous rice dumpling wrapped in reed leaves which Chinese people celebrate and eat on Duanwu Festival,the fifth day of the fifth lunar month 。或者也可以说: 1) Steamed rice dumpling 2) rice dumpling wrapped in reed leaves 3) glutinous rice dumpling (dumpling made of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo or reed leeves)。