怎么写签证邀请信( 三 )

请即持此函(电)前往中国驻___________(国名或地名)大使馆(或总领馆、驻港公署、驻澳公署)申请_______次有效签证 。(附:旅游团人员名单)(编号及发函电单位全称)(年、月、日)于(城市名)联系人: 电话: 传真:负责人签署: 签署人职务:看了办签证邀请函范文的人还看了:1.中文签证邀请函范文3篇2.办护照邀请函范文3篇3.澳洲签证邀请信范文4.出国签证邀请函范文5.出国旅游邀请信范文6.办出国邀请函范文格式3篇 。
7.Z签证邀请函怎么写其实也没那么难 , 也不用写的神乎其神的 。我们以前申请的时候也是 , 不知道该如何是好 , 后来就是这么写的 , 然后交上去也通过了 。
这是我们以前请过外的机械工程师的时候 , 申请写的(当时写的是英文的 , 我给做成中文给你个参照) 。参照 , 如下(黑体字):
我XXXX , 身份XXX , 地址XXXX 。注:前面可换成单位名称 , 以及地址 。
现诚挚邀请XXXX , 身份XXXX来XXX地+事宜 。
请相信这份邀请的真实性 。
诚挚问候 。
8.签证邀请函写法lz , 你好 , 签证有如下分类和特点:
签证类别 基本材料 有效期 申请时间(工作日) 签证费用(RMB)
商务签证 邀请函原件 , 派遣函 , 保险 , 户口簿 1-3个月 3-7
旅游签证 经济证明 , 准假信户口簿 , 身份证 3个月 3-7 2500
【怎么写签证邀请信】探亲访友签证 正式邀请函 , 经济证明 , 准假信 , 户口簿 3个月 3-7
工作签证 公司证明 , 邀请函原件 , 户口簿 ,  依据工作时间 2-3个月
学生签证 录取通知书 , 资金证明 , 语言成绩 , 学习计划 依据学习时间 依据课程类别
I would hereby invite the members of Beijing delegation totally
4 persons (listed attachment) led by you, to come over to ***
(country) for *** (exposition), which is to be held at *** (place)
during *** (date). Please make the necessary arrangements
for your delegation to arrive in *** (country). During the
exposition, you will stay here for *** days. All your
expenses including international air tickets, local
transportation, accommodations, medical insurances and
all other related expenses during your stay here will be paid
by yourselves.
We are looking forward to greeting you in *** (country) very
Yours sincerely,
June 25th,2007
ATTN: (客户的名字)
Re: Invitation for Business Trip
I ,  (你的名字) ,  on behalf of (你公司的名字) Would like to invite 客户的名字to visit our office in 公司所在城市 ,  China in the 日期.
The main purpose of this trip is to give you more ideas on business view here. At the same time to try implementing the agreement, which is under discussion/negotiation for some time.
All the traveling and accommodation expenses in China will be borne by your company.
(passport number: 护照号码 )
Yours truly,
然后公司盖上公章寄走即可 , 保险起见可以先扫描给客户看是否可以.
你可以参考修改一下 , 希望能够帮到你 , 好运@