
1.蜥蜴英文咋说蜥蜴英文为:lizard 。蜥蜴英文介绍:
A lizard is a reptile and it has a scaly skin and shortneck.Also, they usually have a small head and a long tail.
蜥蜴是爬行动物,它有鳞片状皮肤和短脖子 。而且,它们通常头小,尾巴长 。
Mostly they live in a warm place.There are more than 3700 kinds of lizards on the Earth.
它们大都生活在温暖的地带,地球上有3700多种的蜥蜴 。
Some lizards grow up to 6 feet and some lizards change their skin color.
有的蜥蜴能长到6英尺(约1.83米),有的蜥蜴的皮肤能变色 。
Some lizards don't have legs.有的蜥蜴没有四肢 。
1、reptile [reptal] 爬行动物 。例句:A snake is a reptile.
2、mostly [mstli] 大部分 。例句:Mostly I live in Shanghai.
3、up to 多达 。例句:Up to 10 students in my class have been to America.
蜥蜴俗称“四脚蛇”,在世界各地均有分布 。属于冷血爬虫类,其种类繁多,蜥蜴是爬行类(爬虫类)中种类最多的族群,全世界已知超过4,000种,大多分布在热带和亚热带 。体型差异很大,从数厘米大的加勒比壁虎,到近3~5米长的科莫多龙都有 。
【蜥蜴英语怎么写iguana】其生活环境多样,主要是陆栖,也有树栖、半水栖和土中穴居 。多数以昆虫为食,也有少数种类兼食植物 。许多蜥蜴能变换它们的颜色以因应环境的变化或压力,例如变色龙 。
参考资料来源:搜狗百科-蜥蜴 (蜥蜴目蜥蜴科动物)
2.iguana怎么读iguana[英][?'ɡwɑ:n?][美][??ɡwɑn?]n.鬣鳞蜥(产于中美洲和南美洲); 复数:iguanas例句:1.He was dressed in faded blue jeans, a light-blue jacket, and a t-shirtemblazoned with a white iguana head. 他身着褪色的蓝色牛仔裤、浅蓝色夹克,和一件饰有醒目的白色的美洲热带鬣蜥头的t恤衫 。
2.The green iguana's extensive range comprises the rain forests of northernmexico, central america, the caribbean islands, and southern brazil. 绿鬣蜥分布广泛,活动范围包括墨西哥北部、中美洲、加勒比岛和巴西南部的雨林 。3.Genetic analysis shows that the rosada iguana originated in the galapagosmore than five million years ago, and diverged from the other land iguanapopulations even as the archipelago was still forming. 遗传分析显示,早在五百多万年以前,罗萨达鬣蜥就原产于加拉帕戈斯,并与其它陆栖鬣蜥种群分道扬镳,当时,这个群岛还在形成期间 。
4.Other animals are the black macaque, wild pigs, iguana, snakes leaf monkey,muncak, barking-, sambar-, mouse-, java and muncak deer. Additionally morethan 200 species of plants are found here. 另外,这里发现的重要物种还包括黑猕猴,野猪,鬣蜥,蛇叶猴,麋鹿,以及200多种植物 。5.My parents indulged this love of animals and allowed me to hav e a variety ofpets, including birds, an iguana, rabbits, a hamster who eventually had babiesand so on. 我的父母亲对动物有着很深的感情并允许我养很多宠物,包括很多鸟,一只鬣蜥蜴,一窝兔子,还有一只最终生生育了仓鼠等等 。
12 Chinese Zodiac Signs / 12 symbolic animals
Rat charm,子鼠
Ox patient,丑牛
Tiger sensitive,寅虎
Rabbit articulate,卯兔
Dragon healthy,辰龙
Snake deep,巳蛇
Horse popular,午马
Goat elegant,未羊
Monkey clever,申猴
Rooster deep thinkers,酉鸡
Dog loyalty,戌狗
Pig chivalrous. 亥猪

