whynyuessay怎么写( 四 )

面对学生和家长的议论 , 教育专员指出 , 这些正是学生写小论文时普遍存在的问题 , 总有很多担心 , 担心像第二个学生那样 , 只写一点 , 不能尽其言 , 担心招生官无法看到自己其他方面的优秀表现 , 担心很多要表达的内容无法写进去 。最终 , 很多学生为“保险起见” , 会像第一个学生那样 , 面面俱到 , 恨不得把自己所有参与过的活动都写进去 。但招生官没有时间看一份面面俱到却毫不生动的essay , 只会对第二篇显示的那种个性突出的学生感兴趣 。招生官面对数千份甚至上万份申请材料 , 让学生补充essay的情况几乎不存在 。
教育专员强调 , 在申请材料中 , 有一项要求学生填写参加过的各类社会实践活动 , 最多可填写10项活动内容 , 学生能在这里填写的活动内容 , 完全没必要写进essay中 。Essay一般要求学生通过描写过去的经历 , 表现性格品质及观点 。学生写作时要力求生动、新鲜、感人 。
5.scholarship essay怎么写Writing a scholarship essay is a challenge, yet it is a major step on your way to your degree and future career prospects. So, writing it in the way for it to stand out of a pile of similar essays is a must. However difficult the task may seem, there are several simple rules that can ensure your essay gets the best winning chances.First and foremost, mind the time. This seems to be something that goes without saying, but still start writing your essay well before the deadline and plan your work to have enough time to analyze the question, come up with some good ideas, put them into words, proofread and rewrite if necessary.Another point is to choose the right topic. Your essay must attract attention, which is only possible if it is reasonably emotional and positive and you feel confident about the subject. So, choose the topic you are genuinely enthusiastic about, and your feelings will be naturally reflected in your essay.The next rule is to write what you are supposed to write. Think about the purpose of the award and the organization providing it, then consider why you are the best person to get it and how your diploma will meet the above mentioned purpose. After it, try to express the same ideas in your essay. However, do not simply repeat the information about your achievements given in your profile; give an insight into your life: choose one or two most important accomplishments or focus on one aspect of your experience, but share the details.The next step is to check if your essay has a clear message: read it and condense the idea to a thesis statement. If you cannot do it, your point may not be clear enough. Another useful technique to check the effectiveness of your writing is to find a person to read it: your friends, parents, professors can help a lot by spotting the mistakes and identifying any vague ideas.And last but not least, remember that there are hundreds of people who have successfully coped with this difficult task, so why cannot you do it? 。
6.如何写好美国留学申请Whyessay在美国留学申请阶段写作申请文书时 , 恐怕最常见的一类题目就是“Why do you want to go to XXX College”了 , 于是这一类文章被统称为Why essay 。
Why essay既好写 , 也不好写 , 因为自己选择申请美国留学肯定不是没有原因的 , 然而这个原因要想写出特色来却不容易 。那么 , 抓住以下五个写作要领 , 突出个性 , 才能让学校眼前一亮 。
1 。Brainstorm , 先问自己为什么申请这所学校 , 把原因列在纸上 。
2 。浏览学校的官方网站 , 以Academics和Campus life板块为主 。