1.“升国旗”“降国旗”用英语怎么说以后最好一次性问上来,因为我回答问题很少回头的 。
升国旗的时间是 。
The time for raising the national flag is 。.
。。。。。。。。。。。修改线 。。。。。
升国旗 Raising the national flag
降国旗 Lowering National Flag
奏国歌 Play national anthem
2.升国旗 唱国歌 英语怎么说【升国旗的英文怎么写】1.All rise,Raising of the flag,the national anthem is played.
2.Three hoursinadvance/delayedthree hours,to enterthe venue.
3.Liters ofthenational flagofthePeople'sRepublicofChina,tosingthe national anthem of the People's Republic of China.
4.Theelevatoroverload,outofa person/out for a few.
5.The coach seriously overloaded.
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