1.求助,翻译几句简单的英语短句1.You know Wanping from where to come 2.Could you tell me his officials in the bridge is it right
3.We all believe that she is a good girl 4.
Kaizhen told shao-chin yesterday on the way home picked up a wallet 5.
Peifeng said she did for you touched with
2.求助go through 经历,检查,浏览 - The child is going through a difficult phase.那孩子正经历困难的阶段
set down 记下,写下 - he set down his own story when he lived overseas. 他写下了自己在国外的亲生经历
a series of 一系列,一连串 - A series of bad thing happened to him. 一连串的不幸发生在他身上 be afarid of 害怕做 。. - she is afarid of making mistakes. 她害怕犯错 希望对你有帮助

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