如何写英语海报?【书面表达】你校学生会组织了英语夏令营活动以便同学们学好英语、建立良好的人际关系,每年暑假有形式多样的活动(如学习英文歌曲、舞蹈、游戏等),活动费用比较低 。请你用英语写一张英语海报向同学们介绍一下夏令营的情况并邀请同学们参加夏令营活动 。词数:120-150 。分析指导:文体信息题目要求用英语写一张英语海报 。海报属于应用文,它是一种带有装饰的宣传广告,内容以多是大众喜闻乐见的消息,如影讯、展览、演出信息、友谊赛等为主 。为了尽可能使更多的人知道,海报是贴在人来人往而且非常醒目的地方,有时还配以绘画图案以吸引观众 。写作关键(1)作文时表达要符合海报的特点,开门见山,直奔主题 。(2)正确使用人称、时态和语态,文中应该用第三人称,邀请性的语句用第二人称;时态为现在时态,多为一般现在时 。(3)海报一定要具体真实地写明活动的地点、时间及主要内容 。(4)注意海报的语言特征 。文中可以用些鼓动性的词语,但不可夸大实事;海报文字要求简洁明了,篇幅要短小精悍 。谋篇布局海报一般由标题、正文和落款三部分组成 。(1)标题海报的标题写法较多,可单独在第一行中间写上“海报”字样;可直接用活动的内容做题目,如“舞讯”、“影讯”、“球讯”等;也可用一些描述性的文字,如“***再显风彩” 。(2)正文海报的正文部分要用简洁的文字写清楚活动的目的和意义,活动的主要项目、时间、地点等,参加的具体方法及一些必要的注意事项等
2.这个英语海报怎么写啊In orther to make students are interested in English that we hold this match. Then,the students who get the No.1 in this match will become our school English speaking hoster. Please all students of Great 1 can take part in our English match. …… 。
We are going to make up a band. So we want some music fans. Can you sing or dance Can you play the guitar Can you play the piano Are you interested in music If you want to be a member of ours. Please join us quickly. You can contact us in this way: Call us at number 138********. And you can send an e-mail to us. Address: ***@163.com.
Please cherish this chance. Success belongs to you.
4.一篇英语作文:阳光中学为学校慈善演出写一份海报,电子邮件形式,The benefits of charitable activities reflected in many aspects. For business, in the traditional way of advertising is not effective in the past, charitable donations can be used as a way to attract favorable attention, but also acts as the business of doing good will of the public that can greatly enhance the public's trust in a brand. Of the people, the charity can improve people's standard of living, but also be able to form a friendly social atmosphere. All in all, charity activities, embodies the human-to-human Languages of the spirit of love, friendship, humanity is the concentrated expression of good feelings, to improve people's moral quality and maintain social harmony and stability have significant meaning
I really think a person living on the earth should do something helpful and useful toothers. Why? The reason is obvious. Because nobody can foresee tomorrow, if you do not give your hand to others today, maybe tomorrow when you are in trouble, similarly, nobody will help you out. However, vice versa. Therefore, if you are able to help others in trouble, please do not hesitate, just do it! With charity from everyone of us, the world can be brighter and more beautiful.
- 叉子 英文 一把叉子英文
- 己所不欲勿施于人英文 已所不欲 勿施于人英文
- 人生如戏全靠演技 人生如戏全靠演技英文
- 奥运会精神 奥运会精神是哪八个字英文
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