My father gave me a great gift sending me to Japan all those years ago. 3. 在本帖中,我们编辑了一些非常棒的带有隐含象征意义的标识,你可以用它们激发自己设计的灵感 。For this post, we've compiled some great logos that carry hidden symbolism that you can use for inspiration in your own designs. 4. 午餐和了解"会就是一个非常棒的方法----换句话说,邀请一名同事共进午餐以了解他或她在做些什么,或者把许多部门组合成一个大的团队 。
"Lunch and learn" sessions are a great way to accomplish this - in other words, invite a colleague to lunch to learn about what he or she does, or get departments together in larger groups. 5. 另一个非常棒的想法就是当你下次去商场买割草机的时候,买那种能够切碎草叶的割草机 。Another great idea is the next time you are in the market to buy a lawnmower, purchase one that mulches leaves. 6. “本来我有一个非常棒的威廉王子明星脸,但遗憾的是他退出了,剩下的明星脸都不太理想,”她说 。
"I had an excellent Prince William look-alike, but unfortunately he opted out, so I was left with no good look-alike, " she said. 7. 更正一下:母亲告诉我,她每天醒来的时候也做这件事----这是开始每一天非常棒的方式 。Update: My mother reminded me that she does this when she wakes up, too — a great way to bookend each day. 8. 大多数情况下,它是非常棒的 。
Most of the time, it works great. 9. 你可能会在商店找到一份非常棒的工作,享受到你从未享受过的工作或购物的乐趣 。You may find a great holiday job at a shop you never thought you would enjoy working or shopping at! 10. 这是一个非常棒的优化负载性能的方法 。
This is a great way to optimize load performance. 11. 那里的天气也非常棒 。The weather there is great. 12. 他们这里的鱼非常棒 。
They have great fish here. 。
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