
1.黑子的篮球英文简介英文版简介:Once upon a time, the basketball team of Teikō Middle School rose to distinction by demolishing all competition. The regulars of this team became known as the "Generation of Miracles". After graduating from middle school, these five stars went to different high schools with top basketball teams. However, a fact few know is that there was another player of the "Generation of Miracles", the phantom sixth player. This mysterious player is now a freshman at Seirin High, a new school with a powerful, if little-known, team. Now, Tetsuya Kuroko, the sixth member of the "Generation of Miracles", and Kagami, a naturally talented player who spent most of middle school in America, are aiming to bring Seirin to the top of Japan, taking on Kuroko's old teammates one by one.中文简介:黑子的篮球是藤卷忠俊的一部漫画作品于08年12月开端连载 。
并已被改编成动画片 。黑子的篮球是一部有关篮球的作品讲述以篮球出名的帝光中学曾出了五位被称为事业世代的球员但事实上事业世代是有第六位成员他就是本作的男主角黑子哲也 。
如梦幻般的第六人不选择篮球高校而是作作选上了一所新建的黉舍诚凛高校 。在这里黑子赶上了从美国回来的另一男主角火神大年夜我两人的相遇将会带领著诚凛去挑衅各位事业世代的球员 。
2.黑子的篮球英文简介英文版简介:Once upon a time, the basketball team of Teikō Middle School rose to distinction by demolishing all competition. The regulars of this team became known as the "Generation of Miracles". After graduating from middle school, these five stars went to different high schools with top basketball teams. However, a fact few know is that there was another player of the "Generation of Miracles", the phantom sixth player. This mysterious player is now a freshman at Seirin High, a new school with a powerful, if little-known, team. Now, Tetsuya Kuroko, the sixth member of the "Generation of Miracles", and Kagami, a naturally talented player who spent most of middle school in America, are aiming to bring Seirin to the top of Japan, taking on Kuroko's old teammates one by one.
中文简介:黑子的篮球是藤卷忠俊的一部漫画作品,于08年12月开始连载 。并已被改编成动画片 。黑子的篮球是一部有关篮球的作品,讲述以篮球出名的帝光中学曾出了五位被称为奇迹世代的球员,但事实上奇迹世代是有第六位成员,他就是本作的男主角黑子哲也 。如梦幻般的第六人不选择篮球高校,而是作作选上了一所新建的学校诚凛高校 。在这里,黑子遇上了从美国回来的另一男主角火神大我,两人的相遇,将会带领著诚凛去挑战各位奇迹世代的球员 。
3.黑子的篮球英文简介英文简介:Once upon a time, the basketball team of Teikō Middle School rose to distinction by demolishing all competition. The regulars of this team became known as the "Generation of Miracles". After graduating from middle school, these five stars went to different high schools with top basketball teams. However, a fact few know is that there was another player of the "Generation of Miracles", the phantom sixth player. This mysterious player is now a freshman at Seirin High, a new school with a powerful, if little-known, team. Now, Tetsuya Kuroko, the sixth member of the "Generation of Miracles", and Kagami, a naturally talented player who spent most 。Generation of Miracles":Once upon a time 。并已被改编成动画片;Generation of Miracles"s old teammates one by one, if little-known, these five stars went to different high schools with top basketball teams.
中文简介,但事实上奇迹世代是有第六位成员, the basketball team of Teikō Middle School rose to distinction by demolishing all competition,于08年12月开始连载. The regulars of this team became known as the ", a fact few know is that there was another player of the ",而是作作选上了一所新建的学校诚凛高校, are aiming to bring Seirin to the top of Japan, Tetsuya Kuroko;Generation of Miracles" 。黑子的篮球是一部有关篮球的作品. However:黑子的篮球是藤卷忠俊的一部漫画作品;, and Kagami 。如梦幻般的第六人不选择篮球高校. This mysterious player is now a freshman at Seirin High. After graduating from middle school;,将会带领著诚凛去挑战各位奇迹世代的球员, a new school with a powerful, the phantom sixth player, the sixth member of the ", team,讲述以篮球出名的帝光中学曾出了五位被称为奇迹世代的球员. Now,两人的相遇, a naturally talented player who spent most of middle school in America, taking on Kuroko',他就是本作的男主角黑子哲也 。在这里,黑子遇上了从美国回来的另一男主角火神大我英文简介