经济essay怎么写( 三 )

另外,没有人会喜欢看一篇错字连篇的Essay,一定记得检查语法和拼写 。
Research Essay
Take care in selecting your thesis. This is really a type of persuasive essay, but you don't want to be stuck either just repeating someone else's opinion, or citing all the same sources. Try to come up with an original thesis or take an aspect of someone's thesis and develop it. You can also take a thesis and "transplant" it into different circumstances. For example, use tools of modern economics to argue about the role of medieval guilds in the development of early European settlements. Or take a study done on children in France and try to show it is/isn't applicable to elderly Florida residents. An original thesis is the best start you can make to get a high grade in a research essay.
Your thesis is the most critical aspect of your research essay. It not only organizes the material you are presenting, it also focuses your research efforts.
Again, it's a marshalling of facts to support your argument. Make sure you have found out in any academics have made similar arguments and acknowledge them in your essay, even if you did not draw directly from them. If they said things, which don't support your argument, say why these statements are either wrong or not applicable in the circumstances.
Typically you summarize your arguments. You can also end with an example or a quote, which sums up your arguments.
What are markers looking for?
As usual, a clearly-written, well organized essay. Top marks would go to an original thesis, which showed thorough research and good writing. If you have a tired old thesis, no matter how well you write the essay, your grades will be limited.
包括:Cause And Effect Essay ;Comparison Essay 等
6.留学生商科essay怎么写 有帮忙写的吗第一、ESSAY选材范围扩展视野
没有明文规定ESSAY的选材范围,如果就针对课外活动而言,那么,不管我们有没有优秀的硬件条件,我们都必须花大功夫去塑造我们的优秀ESSAY!学校的活动不外乎参加什么学术比赛,歌唱比赛,同学聚会,或者学校让去扫街做好事……这些东西做过的人会说,没做过的人也会说 。
为什么不能摆脱学校的阴影,去别的地方寻找自我?体现自我?比如你的一次旅游经历,在一个贫穷的山村,一个穷孩子和你的对话,以至于你沉思,然后为了解决自己的疑问,对他们的生活环境进行了考察,然后收获了 。.
美国大学,特别是知名大学,需要录取到一个人才,它们一直在努力这么做 。你怎么在他们面前尽情地体现你的价值呢?ESSAY就是突破点!也许你学习成绩很优秀,但是终究只是个会学习的人,如何体现你日后能成为一个对社会有贡献的人?他们如果只能通过学习成绩了解到你,那么他们只能说:MAYBE!然而,在某种程度上说,ESSAY就是你自己!通过一份好的ESSAY,他们才能知道你到底是不是他们要找的“千里马”!
Essay写作的总的原则就是一定要围绕着自己的特点来进行规划和写作,要突出自己在性格方面的优势和特点,同时挖掘素材,不能写成千篇一律的毫无特色的“流水账”式的文章 。没能够挖掘出你自身的素材,或者未能彻底对你进行审视,都会导致缺乏个性的大众化 。
Essay的好坏很大程度上决定了一个人的申请成功与否,约占整个申请70%的分量 。Essay写的好坏除了跟学生自己的经历有关,还要看你如何选材、如何使材料看起来丰富又没有重复感、哪些事例是美国人所接受和欣赏的、如何用3—4篇的Essay来展示你的独特 。这些都需要你在下笔前好好斟酌 。