
1.英语作文:时装秀怎么写Today we have a special fashion show in our class. The models show that the clothes are worn by the students. They think the old clothes are out of date. They are all changed. You see, Chen Zezhong students first appearances, he is wearing a lovely hat the catwalk, but also deliberate and make some funny action, the students looked at his performances can be happy. The next game is a funny model - Liao Junxiang, he was wearing a pair of old clothes, very happy, but also from time to time to make funny funny action funny, a little do not wear the feeling of embarrassment. Little Chen Shi to shy, walk less formal catwalk, eyes staring at the ground, his face red, not to see the students. Zhu Xu and other boys performance is very generous, the old clothes on their body is also very beautiful. The boys have a great performance, and the performance of our girls is more worth looking forward to. You see, Deng Zhaolu is the most like a professional model, and she walked the pace is particularly good, the action is very beautiful, clothes look very nice. Although some of the girls behind the stage is more nervous, walking on the stage is not natural, but also left a deep impression on the students. 。
2.天秀 ,英文怎样写分析:英语中不存在静态对等的概念,所以解释原文意义,“天秀”中的秀,无非是表示装逼、炫耀的意思,“天”在中国传统文化里有象征神的涵义,或是在这里表示 “秀”的不可思议、惊异,在英语中神是 “God”那么,秀好说,"show" (表演、戏剧) , 可以使用“God's show”(上帝的表演,天秀),除此之外我觉得加上epic(史诗)、legendary(传奇)、Satan(撒旦,堕落天使)都差不多能传达想要表达的意思 。
epic show史诗之秀
Legendary show传奇之秀
Satan's Show撒旦之秀
其实如果能注意到,有些外国网友使用Being a clown,跳梁小丑也无非是要表达某些人装逼的意义 。
以上 。

