5.怎么用fast形容词造句I am not getting on very fast with this job .
我这份工作进展不太快 。
He had good eyes and a pair of fast hands .
他的眼睛雪亮,双手勤快 。
Fast neutrons are also captured by nitrogen .
快中子也可以被氮吸收 。
He started to choke as he was eating too fast .
他吃得太快,噎住了 。
Your advice will stick fast in my mind .
你的意见会牢记在我心中的 。
Look , do it this way and you can dig faster .
要这样挖,才挖得快 。
He reads so fast and understands so well .
他看书看得太快,悟性也高 。
Soon the two girls were fast friends .
两个姑娘很快成了忠实的朋友 。
The art of letter-writing is fast disappearing .
尺牍技巧行将消失 。
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