他们非常漂亮 。一只是黄色的 。
另一只是白色的 。他们非常可爱 。
黄色的小猫很调皮 。他经常到处跑 。
他最喜欢的游戏是玩球、绳子和石头 。而白色的小猫非常温和 。
她喜欢洗她的脸 。并且她不喜欢和人玩 。
她经常跳上我的膝盖 。我喜欢给她洗澡 。
噢,我的小猫为我带来了很多愉快 。我们是非常好的朋友 。
我爱他们 。I have got two baby cats. they are very beautiful. One is yellow. the other is white. they are very lovely. the yellow cat is very naughty. He likes to play with people. He often runs here and there. His favourite game is playing with balls, ropes and stones. But the white cat is very gentle. She likes to wash her face. And she doesn′t like to play with people. She often jumps onto my knees. I like to give her a bath. Oh, my baby cats bring me much happiness. We are very good friends. I love them. 。
6.关于茶杯犬或藏獒的英文文章要简略的还是详细的写? 藏獒 预备犬组 整体外观 尊贵威猛 。
藏獒体型巨大,身体长度稍长于高度,强壮有力,骨骼肌肉发育良好,威严肃穆,表情冷静,头面宽阔,头骨宽大,眼炯炯有神,呈杏仁状,稍斜 。肌肉宽大且伸展,形成一种立体感 。
它的尾巴很有特色,尾位与背部齐平并自然卷起附于背部,而下垂时会覆盖生殖器;与头部保持平衡 。被毛和鬃毛很厚,尤其是颈部的鬃毛像一条厚围巾缠在颈部 。
本犬种的典型特色是警觉性高,主要用于家庭和财产的守卫,对陌生人有强烈的敌意和杀伤力,绝对忠诚地保护它的主人和财产 。TIBETAN MASTIFF BREED STANDARD OF AMERICAN TIBETAN KENNEL CLUB Tibetan Mastiff Miscellaneous Class General Appearance Noble and impressive: a large, powerful, heavy, well built dog, well muscled, with much substance and bone, and of solemn but kindly appearance. The Tibetan Mastiff stands well up on the pasterns, with strong, tight, cat feet, giving an alert appearance. The body is slightly longer than tall. The head is broad and impressive, with massive back skull, the eyes deep-set and almond shaped, slightly slant 。
要简略的还是详细的写? 藏獒 预备犬组 整体外观 尊贵威猛 。藏獒体型巨大,身体长度稍长于高度,强壮有力,骨骼肌肉发育良好,威严肃穆,表情冷静,头面宽阔,头骨宽大,眼炯炯有神,呈杏仁状,稍斜 。
肌肉宽大且伸展,形成一种立体感 。它的尾巴很有特色,尾位与背部齐平并自然卷起附于背部,而下垂时会覆盖生殖器;与头部保持平衡 。
被毛和鬃毛很厚,尤其是颈部的鬃毛像一条厚围巾缠在颈部 。本犬种的典型特色是警觉性高,主要用于家庭和财产的守卫,对陌生人有强烈的敌意和杀伤力,绝对忠诚地保护它的主人和财产 。
TIBETAN MASTIFF BREED STANDARD OF AMERICAN TIBETAN KENNEL CLUB Tibetan Mastiff Miscellaneous Class General Appearance Noble and impressive: a large, powerful, heavy, well built dog, well muscled, with much substance and bone, and of solemn but kindly appearance. The Tibetan Mastiff stands well up on the pasterns, with strong, tight, cat feet, giving an alert appearance. The body is slightly longer than tall. The head is broad and impressive, with massive back skull, the eyes deep-set and almond shaped, slightly slanted, the muzzle broad and well-padded, giving a square appearance. The typical expression of the breed is one of watchfulness. The tail is well feathered and carried over the back in a single curl falling over the loin, balancing the head. The coat and heavy mane is thick, with coarse guard hair and a wooly undercoat. The tail and britches are well feathered. The Tibetan Mastiff has been used primarily as a family and property guardian for many millennia, and is aloof and watchful of strangers, and highly protective of its people and property. 。
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