英 [bi?] 美 [bi]
n. 蜜蜂,蜂;勤劳的人
busy as a bee 像蜜蜂一样忙碌,忙得不可开交
spelling bee 拼字比赛会
bee venom 蜂毒
bee honey 蜂蜜
1、Many people have experienced bee stings themselves or know of others who were hurt.
许多人都经历过蜂蜇伤或知道自己是谁伤害了别人 。
2、Royal Jelly - For the best bee in your life.
蜂王浆-为了获得最佳的蜜蜂在你的生活 。
英 ['h?n?bi?] 美 ['h?n?bi]
n. [蜂] 蜜蜂
honeybee pupae 蜂蛹
My Honeybee 比基尼
italian honeybee 意大利蜜蜂
Honeybee Tops 小蜜蜂曲奇
honeybee nutrition 蜜蜂营养物
1、This shows a huge demand for honeybee products in the local market.
这显示市民对本地市场的蜜蜂产品的巨大需求 。
2、When a honeybee takes its first flight, it immediately releases its strong smelling meconium.
【蜜蜂英文怎么写kleszcz】蜕变后的蜜蜂第一次起飞时,它会立刻将难闻的“蛹便”丢弃 。
这篇寓言主要讲的是,蜜蜂不愿意把自己又香又甜的蜂蜜献给人类 。便飞到奥林匹斯山去找宙斯,请求宙斯赐给自己强大的力量 。只要有想吃蜂蜜的人走到蜜蜂窝面前,蜜蜂就会用自己尾巴上锋利的针,刺死那些接近蜂窝的人类 。
宙斯对蜜蜂们的话十分气愤,便下令,从今以后蜜蜂只要一刺人,蜂针就会折断,它也会因此而死去 。
最后使我明白了,想伤害别人的人,灾难却常常降临到他自己的头上 。
下面是外国网站的原文,用词都是比较简单的了 。
The bee, who is the mother of the honeycombs, went up to the gods, bearing honeycombs and honey. Delighted by the bee's offering, Zeus ordered that she be given whatever she asked for. The bee said, 'Bestow upon your servant a sting so that I can defend the fruits of my labour and protect myself.' Zeus was at a loss when faced with his request, since he felt affection for the human race. He therefore told the bee, 'I cannot do exactly that: but if some man does come to take your honey and you want to get rid of him, here is your sting! Yet you must keep in mind that if you strike a man, you will die at the moment your sting has gone in.'
The fable shows that in our prayers and requests we should never ask for evil to befall our enemies.
One day the bee, the mother of the candles, paid a visit to the gods and brought them honeycombs and honey. Zeus, the King of the Gods, took great pleasure in the gift and wanted to offer the bee whatever she would ask.
And the bee said: "Zeus, give me a sting to defend my labors from the humans".
But Zeus loved the human race too much, so he told the bee: "Certainly! I'll give you the sting, so you can defend yourself if someone takes your honey. But you must know that if you do evil to man, hitting him with the sting, you will immediately die- your sting is your life!"
The legend teaches us that in prayers and entreaties nobody should wish for evil.
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