1.超赞的一天英文怎么写A great dayThe most meaningful day Today is my first day of holiday, i'm so excited! i wake up early and went to the park to walk the dog. there wasn't much people at that time. i could breathe fresh air and feel the sun, today is a good weather! when i returned home and had my breakfast, i decided to sit down and read my favorite book. i enjoy reading books in my study room quietly by myself, there will be no disturbance. when i entered my book world, i can feel an overwhelming energy and knowledges filling in my soul, this is the point! in fact, having a meaningful day doesn't need to do so many exciting things and special activities to reach, i can simply fulfill myself just by doing one meaningful thing, and for me, that is reading my favorite books. when night arrives, i take off my glasses and i let myself lie down in the bath tube, it was a relief after all the hard working! 。
2.点赞英语怎么写1. Good job!
2. Well done.
3. Here you go.
4. Terrific!
5. Topnotch!
6. Awesome!
7. Good for you!
8. Nice going.
9. Super!
10. Bravo.
3.点赞的英语怎么说 越多越好(1)like,有点像微信里的爱心,表示喜欢也可以表示赞;
例如: I liked all your posts yesterday!
(2)give a thumbs-up, “thumbs-up”就是翘起大拇指,也就是肢体语言的比个赞;
例如: If you like this video, please give it a thumbs-up and subscribe to my channel!
like的其他用法 。
(1)I don't want to act like my friend. 我不想像我朋友那样干 。
(2)Others would like to do so. 其他政府也许会愿意这么做 。
(3)What I like What I choose,you do ! 我喜欢什么就选择什么,你也一样!
(5)I like reading aloud in the morning. 我喜欢清晨大声的朗读 。
(1)like to do sth理解为“(这时候)想做某事”
(2)like doing sth则是“喜欢做某事”,有时形容习惯性经常性的喜欢做 。
比如:Today I would like to see a film:今天我想去看电影 。When I am free, I like seeing films:我有空的时候喜欢去看电影 。like 也可以解释为像
比如:Shirley looks like her mother:Shirley像她的妈妈 。
4.英语关于点赞的作文范文随着空间微博的流行,为他人的动态点赞变成了如家常便饭般普通的事 。空闲时浏览几位好友的空间,也成了我的爱好之一 。
有一个好友疯狂热衷于此 。此人与我现实生活中交情甚密,但爱好却截然不同 。她喜欢看电影、美剧,我却对动漫情有独钟 。由于这样的隔膜,我就极少访问她的空间,她也不怎么关注我的 。之直接导致我们亲密度极低 。她无法忍受最好的朋友在分数栏中垫底,于是地发了信息:“快去提升我们的亲密度!我们互相点赞!”
我平时并不怎么给别人点赞,只是偶有几条我特别喜欢的动态出现时才不会吝惜那小小的大拇指 。我甚至还有些鄙视那些不会明辨信息只会疯狂点赞的“点赞狂魔” 。但好友之托不可不从,我只得点进她的空间,给我平时从不了解的信息一条条点赞,重复那机械化的流水线操作,为我毫不喜欢的信息盖上“赞”的钢印 。想必好友也是这样 。
一开始我还挺高兴的,毕竟大家都喜欢被人关注的感觉 。我们的亲密度直线上升 。不过很快,麻烦就来了 。一些看到我“赞”的痕迹的好友的好友,大约也是美剧爱好者,很快加我为好友,兴致勃勃地要与我讨论新出的剧集 。什么都不了解的我只好含糊其词,一边接受着他们连珠炮般的提问 。好友是一个开朗外向的人,朋友很多 。我的朋友相对较少,估计她还没有遇到和我一样的问题,她每天仍催着我点赞点赞 。
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