In the old days, there were strict fines for walking on the grass or missing a study period过去,踩踏草坪或旷课都会被重金处罚 。I started smoking grass when I was about sixteen.我大约16岁的时候开始吸大麻 。
His wife wants him to grass on the members of his own gang妻子要他向警方告发他所在团伙的成员 。He was very happy with us but wanted to see if the grass was greener elsewhere.他对我们感到十分满意,但还想看看是否有更合适的人选 。
The Prime Minister refused to be put out to grass. Asked if he would quit, he replied: 'The answer is No'.首相拒绝被解除职务,当问到他是否会辞职时,他说,“我的回答是不 。”The lawn contained a mixture of grasses.草坪上生长着各种青草 。
I'm going to cut the grass.我要去修剪草坪了 。He was repeatedly attacked by other inmates, who accused him of grassing.他屡遭指责他告密的其他囚犯的殴打 。
The winds came down with the scents of the grass and wild flowers.风吹来了青草和野花的清香 。
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