
1.班级 的英语怎么说班级的英语:class
读音:英 [klɑ?s] 美 [kl?s]
n. 等级;阶级;阶层;班级;课;[生]纲;<;口>;出色的风度
v. 分类
1、conduct a class 教一个班
2、give one's class 讲课
3、start a class 开设一个班
4、primary class 初级班
1、The class are, in general, very bright.
总的来说,这个班级的学生都很聪明 。
2、The class expended a great amount of time on the project.
这个班在这个计划上花了很多时间 。
3、You can question the class orally when the reading is finished.
当阅读结束时,你可以口头问班上学生们问题 。
4、The teacher read a poem to the class.
老师向班上的同学朗诵了一首诗歌 。
class, course, lesson这三个词都有“课”的意思 。其区别在于:
3、lesson指课程所分成的“段落”,课本中的“一课”或“每次授课的单位时间” 。
英 [klɑ?s]
美 [kl?s]
n. 阶级;班级;种类;班;等级
vt. 分类;把…分等级;把…归入某等级,把…看作(或分类、归类);把…编入某一班级
adj. 极好的;很好的,优秀的,出色的
vi. 属于…类(或等级),被列为某类(或某级)
n. (英、德)克拉斯(人名)
At the beginning of each class, I count off the students.
每节课开始我先数一下学生的人数 。
The teacher singled out one composition for class discussion.
教师挑选出一篇作文来供课堂上讨论 。
class and grade更多释义>>
班级 class;Class and grade;grade
班级经营 classroom management;class management
班级管理 class management;Class and grade management;The class and grade manages
4.我的班级 英语作文 带翻译我的班级是一个竟争、信任、友好的班级 。
它是一个团结的大家庭,在个这个大家庭中有着??个可爱的孩子 。有淘气的、有文静的、有聪明的、有好动的,每个人都有可爱的一面 。
每个人都有童话般美丽的梦想 。我们的梦想可远大了,有的想当医生、开飞机、当科学家、当校长、办工厂 。
在我们班有着竞争,是我们在学习中你追我赶,谁也下落下,只要一有人落后,就会有人帮他补上,同学之间也很信任 。
比如说:“要是有个同学忘记带笔了,另一个同学马上会借给他 。”信任就像是一缕春风,温暖着我们整个班级 。
互相帮助,勇往直前 。虽然同学之间有的时候会发生摩擦比如说偶尔打架,以及激烈讨论和争吵 。
但是过后过错一方知道错后马上会道歉,又成了并肩作战的好朋友,我们班是团结的,因为团结力量大 。在这个温暖的大家庭中,同学们快乐地成长着不仅学到了知识,明白了道理,还结交了朋友,是多么令人开心 。
这就是我的班级,我爱班级里的每一个成员!!!翻译: My class is a competitive, trust, friendly class. It's a united family, there has ?? lovely children in the family. someone is naughty, another is quiet,maybe intelligent,maybe active,therefore everyone has a lovely face. Everyone has a fairy tale beautiful dream. Our dreams can be ambitious, some want to be a doctor, a plane, a scientist, a headmaster, or run a plant。In our class ,we have competitions,in our study we race each other, no one wants to be failing, as long as there is a man behind, there will be someone to help him make up.We are also trust between schoolmates. For example: " if a student forgot to bring a pen, another classmate will lend him. " Trust is like a wisp of spring breeze, warms our whole class. Help each other, march forward courageously. Although classmates sometimes will occur frictions,for example sometimes fights, and intense discussions and arguments. But after the innocent party who knows wrong will immediately apologizes, and then will be side by side good friends, our class is united, because the strength of unity. In this warm big family, the students are happy to grow with not only knowledge, also understanding the truth, and still making friends, how to be happy with my family. This is my class, I love every member of the class members!!! 您咋不早说是个句子呢!~~~~晕 。