比赛结束时,各评委老师都做出了对大赛的点评 。英语教研组的叶艳老师表示:本场比赛的整体水平很高,选手们的表现让她觉得不可思议 。充满了年轻大学生的激情与活力,对她而言仿佛聆听了一堂高水平的课程 。在随后的采访人员采访中她又补充道:“这次比赛的最大亮点在于选手们的自我介绍和他们的语音,而才艺表演也无疑为他们的表现增色不少 。但有些选手应注意不要浪费过多精力在PPT上,而应重点关注演讲本身 。”
经过近三个小时的激烈争夺,各个奖项沉埃落定 。优胜奖为动科学院的杨焱、生物学院的舒毅、农学与生物技术学院的李檬溪 。三等奖是动医学院的郭琳琳、农学与生物技术学院得刘懿以及生物学院的洪川 。二等奖得主为资环学院的高虹和农学与生物技术学院的罗玥 。摘取一等奖的是动医学院的王楠 。而夺得特等奖桂冠的是来自动科学院的张琦玥 。另外,罗玥和张琦玥还分获“最佳语音奖”和“最佳表现奖” 。
本次大赛由动物科技学院学生会主办,农学与生物技术学院、生物学院、动物医学院、资源与环境学院学生会协办 。评委为“新东方”助理教师唐珂、英语教研组叶艳老师以及两位来自北京大学的外国朋友Rabi和Sendre 。五院的分团委记、学生会主席、校学生会主席和“葡萄园”协会首任会长贺子影观看了比赛 。
6.英文新闻稿怎么写This is BBC world news. Georgia says it has agreed to buy eight hundred million cubic meters of gas from Turkey next year almost half of its needs. The price has not been disclosed, but the announcement follows Georgia agreeing last week to buy slightly larger amount from the Russian state-controlled Gazprom at double its previous price. The Iranian parliament has described the United Nation Security Council decision to impose sanctions on Iran because of its nuclear programme as unjust and illegal. The big majority of Iranian deputies have approved a bill, instructing the government to review cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency. The former Chilean military ruler General Augusto Pinochet who died earlier this month has left a posthumous letter. The letter was published by a group of his supporters who said it had been received in 2004. Simon Watts reports. General Pinochet saw himself as a warrior hero, but he was pursued to the last by investigations into alleged human rights abuses. Trying to salvage his reputation from beyond the grave, the general says he was proud of stopping a Marxist dictatorship. Referring to the estimated three thousand deaths during his rule, he says tough measures were needed but he was more flexible than generally realized. The letter reveals how unappreciated General Pinochet felt in his final days. He says there was a kind of banishment and unimagined loneliness. A contact of a former Russian agent who died in British after contracting radiation poisoning has been arrested in Naples. The man Mario Scaramella met the Russian Alexander Litvenenko on the day he became ill. Mr. Scaramella who has also been affected by radiation was arrested on his return from London. The BBC correspondent in Italy says the arrest is connected with the long-running investigation into arms trafficking and is not related to the death of Mr. Litvenenko. BBC world news. 。
7.英文新闻稿怎么写参考答案一: Anna was riding her bike to the park at 11:00 last Sunday morning. When she got to the park, she saw some kids swimming in the water, she also want to do that. While she was taking off her clothes, a strange man took her bike away. Anna couldn't find her bike anywhere. While she was crying, she called the police. 参考答案二: One day a girl rode her bike to a park at 11 am. She put her bike behind a bush and went away, but she didn't know a man was hiding in the bush. At 11:15 the man got out of the bush and stole the girl's bike then he ran away. After 5 minutes, the girl was looking for her bike, she was very worried, then she called the police. 。
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