求职意向用英文怎么写( 二 )

写明自己的求职意不失为表明自己有着明晰的职业发展规划的好方法 。首先,要非常明确自己的求职意向的职位名称 。
问问自己这样一个问题:“我怎样才能展示自己是最佳的候选人呢?”想想自己有哪些能力和特长,可以让你在众多应聘者中脱颖而出 。求职意向要切中要点,切忌空泛,不要说什么没有实质性内容的“用我的经验和能力迎接新的挑战”,当然也可以从某种程度上范围广一点,如“谋求餐饮、娱乐行业的中层管理职位” 。
如果你想应聘好几个职位,那么需要根据不同的职位撰写不同的求职意向 。然后整份简历就需要围绕该求职意向展开 。
一般来说,自我评价的写法没有定论,可结合自己的实际情况和所应聘职位的特点来定制自己的自我评价 。一般来说,将求职意向/职业目标归入自我评价一栏比单独开辟求职意向部分更加合理、科学 。
4.求职意向 的英文An effective resume should include a clearly stated objective.
It is essential that your executive resume is audience-focused – it must succinctly communicate that you understand the employer's needs and that you are uniquely qualified to meet those needs. While the use of an objective is a controversial issue, at its basis, an objective tells the reader what you want from him or her. A popular and often more effective alternative to the objective, the executive profile, allows you to establish focus for the resume while summarizing the key qualifications and value you offer the employer. This is a subtle but critical difference – one that may weigh heavily in opening the door to an interview.
工作 Work;Job;employment
工作温度 Operating temperature;Working Temperature;Working temps
工作经历 Work Experience;business history;occupational history

