
1.【第一册新概念英语第18课书面练习是B哦不是A要是答出来认哥~】B1 Are they keyboard operators or air hostesses?They aren't keyboard operators.They're air hostesses.2 Are they postmen or policemen?They aren't postmen.They're policemen.3 Are they policewomen or nurses?They aren't policewomen.They're nurses.4 Are they customs officers or hairdressers?They aren't customs officers.They're hairdressers.5 Are they hairdressers or teachers?They aren't hairdressers.They're teachers.6 Are they engineers or taxi drivers?They aren't engineers.They're taxi drivers.7 Are they policewomen or keyboard operators?They aren't policewomen.They're keyboard operators.8 Are they milkmen or engineers?They aren't milkmen.They're engineers.9 Are they policemen or milkmen?They aren't policemen.They're milkmen.10 Are they nurses or housewives?They aren't nurses.They're housewives. 。
2.新概念英语第一册54页练习b怎么写1.Does the sun set late?the sun does not set late.2.Does he like ice cream?he does not like ice cream.3.Dose Mrs.Jones want a biscuit?Mrs.Jones does not want a biscuit.4.Dose jim come from England?jim does not come from England.B1Where dose he come from?Is he Australian Yes.He is Australian.H comes from Australia其他的照抄 就是改个国家名 还有he she 2.Austria Austrians3.Canadia Canadian4.China Chinese5.Finland Finn6.India Indian7.Japan Japanese8Nigeria Nigerian9.Turkey Turk10 Korea Korean 。
3.新概念英语第一册54页练习b怎么写1.Does the sun set late?the sun does not set late.2.Does he like ice cream?he does not like ice cream.3.Dose Mrs.Jones want a biscuit?Mrs.Jones does not want a biscuit.4.Dose jim come from England?jim does not come from England.B1Where dose he come from?Is he Australian Yes.He is Australian.H comes from Australia其他的照抄 就是改个国家名 还有he she 2.Austria Austrians3.Canadia Canadian4.China Chinese5.Finland Finn6.India Indian7.Japan Japanese8Nigeria Nigerian9.Turkey Turk10 Korea Korean 。
4.新概念英语第一册四十课书面练习a、b怎么写send that letter to george
take those flower to her
show that picture to me
give these books to mrs jones
give these ice creams to the childen
i am going to put it on
ian going to take them off
ian going to turn them on
ian going to turn it off
ian going to put it on
ian going to take it off
ian going to turn them on
【新概念1册18课B怎么写】ian going to turn it off
ian going to turn them off
ian going to turn it on
5.新概念英语第1册+32课b中的8910怎样写8..what is the girl doing?Is she turning on the light?No,she is not turing on the light.she is turning off the light.9.wht is the boy doing?Is he cleaning his teeth?No,he is not cleaning his teeth.He is putting on his shirt.10.What is Miss Jones doing?Is she putting on her coat?No, she is not putting on her coat.She is taking off her coat. 。

