
1.求一篇阐述睡眠不足的英语作文第一篇 It is known that some students have too much homework, and as a consequence of this they don't get enough sleep during the night, then the next day they don't have enough energy to focus during lessons. Also, students don't have enough free time for social activites such as visiting the sports clubs, as a result, most of them can feel a lack of motivation when it comes to revision and completing homeworks, as well as becoming more and more passive.
第二篇 With the development of the modern society .more and more people have difficulty in sleeping.someone may take some sleeping pills.But almost it doesn't work.
A famous doctor ever said that sleeping problem would be an important thing.As the doctor said.If you can't sleep well,you'll not concentrate on everything.Also you will lost the intrest in everything.It is sleeping pills that could help you with sleping.But it could cause many other changes in your body.
on average.60 per cent people has the problem.To solve the problem in a healthy way is usefull such as take exercise、have good deals and so on.If you follow this advice,you will have a good body.Believe yourself you can do it.
2.写一篇睡眠的爱好. 英语 你有充足的睡眠吗. 多少小时你睡眠足够Sleep
It's clear that everyone needs to sleep. Most people rarely think about how and why they sleep, however. We know that if we sleep well, we feel rested. If we don't sleep enough, we often feel tired and irritable.
It seems there are two purposes of sleep: physical rest and emotional and psychological rest. We need to rest our bodies and minds. Both are important in order for us to be healthy.
Each night we alternate between two kinds of sleep: active sleep and passive sleep. The passive sleep gives our body the rest that's needed and prepares us for active sleep, in which
dreaming occurs.
【睡眠足足够英语怎么写】Throughout the night, people alternate between passive and active sleep. The brain rests, then it becomes active, then dreaming occurs. The cycle is repeated: the brain rests, then it becomes active, then dreaming occurs. This cycle is repeated several times throughout the night. During eight hours of sleep, people dream for a total of one and half hours on the average.

