(釉色品种很多,有青、蓝、红、黄、黑等类 。)
Only red glaze system, that is, jun red, lang kiln red, ji red and rose purple, etc.
(仅红釉系统,即有钧红、郎窑红、霁红和玫瑰紫等 。)
The products are well known in the world and are one of the outstanding representatives of ancient ceramic art.
(均用"还原焰"烧成,产品驰名世界, 是称誉世界的古代陶瓷艺术杰出代表之一 。)
景德镇瓷器品质特性:景德镇瓷器自古以来,名扬天下 。在琳琅满目的瓷器中,最著名的有典雅素净的青花瓷,明净剔透的青花玲珑瓷,五彩缤纷的颜色釉瓷 。
幽静雅致的青花影青瓷,古朴清丽的古彩瓷,万紫千红的新彩瓷,明丽隽秀的窑彩瓷,别开生面的总和装饰瓷等 。这些珍贵的名瓷,被人们誉为“中华民族文化之精华”、“瓷国之瑰宝” 。
4.景德镇瓷器英文介绍根据景德镇瓷器的特色.用英语介绍的 Jingdezhen's porcelain has been famous not only in China but in time it became known internationally for being "as thin as paper,as white as jade,as bright as a mirror,and as sound as a bell".The late Guo Moruo,a senior official who was also a famous historian and scholar of PRC wrote a poem that says (in translation):"China is well known in the world for its porcelain,and Jingdezhen is the most well-known centre,with the highest quality porcelain in China". Most Jingdezhen porcelain is valued by collectors of antique porcelain throughout the world.According to media reports,a blue and white porcelain jar produced in Jingdezhen during the Yuan Dynasty was auctioned for the equivalent of RMB 230,000,000 yuan in London,UK on July 12,2005.This was the highest price achieved by a piece of porcelain in the history of all porcelain auctions of the world.The reason for the high price is experts believe that the blue and white Yuan Dynasty porcelain has a dominant position in the history of Chinese ceramics.It represents the pinnacle of the development of Chinese blue and white porcelain.希望能够帮到您, 。
5.陶瓷英语作文九年级A Chinese porcelain-ware displaying battles between dragons, Kangxi era (1662-1722), Qing Dynasty.
Fonthill vase is the earliest Chinese porcelain object to have reached Europe. It was a Chinese gift for Louis the Great of Hungary in 1338.Porcelain is generally believed to have originated in China. Although proto-porcelain wares exist dating from the Shang Dynasty about 1600 BCE, by the Eastern Han Dynasty (100-200 BCE) high firing glazed ceramic wares had developed into porcelain, and porcelain manufactured during the Tang Dynasty period (618–906) was exported to the Islamic world, where it was highly prized.[4] Early porcelain of this type includes the tri-color glazed porcelain, or sancai wares. Historian S.A.M. Adshead writes that true porcelain items in the restrictive sense that we know them today could be found in dynasties after the Tang,[5] during the Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties.
By the Sui (about 580 AD) and Tang (about 620 AD) dynasties, porcelain had become widely produced. Eventually, porcelain and the expertise required to create it began to spread into other areas; by the seventeenth century, it was being exported to Europe.
Korean and Japanese porcelain also have long histories and distinct artistic traditions.
6.关于陶瓷20词的英语作文A Chinese porcelain-ware displaying battles between dragons, Kangxi era (1662-1722), Qing Dynasty.
Fonthill vase is the earliest Chinese porcelain object to have reached Europe. It was a Chinese gift for Louis the Great of Hungary in 1338.Porcelain is generally believed to have originated in China. Although proto-porcelain wares exist dating from the Shang Dynasty about 1600 BCE, by the Eastern Han Dynasty (100-200 BCE) high firing glazed ceramic wares had developed into porcelain, and porcelain manufactured during the Tang Dynasty period (618–906) was exported to the Islamic world, where it was highly prized.[4] Early porcelain of this type includes the tri-color glazed porcelain, or sancai wares. Historian S.A.M. Adshead writes that true porcelain items in the restrictive sense that we know them today could be found in dynasties after the Tang,[5] during the Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties.
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