电信业务的论文怎么写( 四 )

目前,我国区域信息化发展的重点是促进政府上网工程、企业上网工程、家庭上网工程的“三网工程”,尽快实现三网业务的有效融合,并采取必要的政策措施创造宽松的网络环境,加强民众对网络经济的认识和参与程度,推进网络经济的健康有序发展 。在信息化时代背景下,城镇通信规划应体现新的思路: 一、通信体制改革的趋势对规划思路的影响 。
电信产业的迅猛发展倍受瞩目,而电信产业内市场主体的生存法则与商业模式的变革也吸引了各方的关注 。本质上,电信产业变革是打破阻碍电信发展的垄断封闭的传统电信产业链,构建面向未来的合作开放的集成电信产业链 。
这是一个从有序走向无序,再由无序发展到更高层次有序的螺旋上升过程 。从改革的趋势来看,电信行业的改革必然使电信业从垄断封闭的传统电信产业向实现全业务经营、三网融合的集成型的多元产业链,内容将涵盖固定电话、计算机网络、移动通信、视频电视点播等多个领域,并且将引入竞争机制,形成多运营商的经营模式 。
目录: 一、通信体制改革的趋势对规划思路的影响 。二、信息化后通信工程规划应考虑的几个具体问题 。
三、重视经济形势分析和用户预测 。。
.以上内容均摘自 更多详细内容 请登录 刨文网 ”,这里的文章全部是往届高校毕业生发布的原创毕业论文,内容详细,符合自身的专业水平 。
Reform in the system, the Government should grasp the direction and the following principles: first, in order to further promote the telecommunications services and applications targeted at the market opening, appropriate to relax market access, including allowing private and foreign components, including the diversification of investment does not involve the basis of the main access to the virtual carrier network facilities and communication services, such as resale and wholesale business. Second, the significant socio-economic activities relating to welfare and public infrastructure and telecommunication services, the Government must maintain the necessary management, intervention and control, at an appropriate time to promote market-oriented telecommunications charges, the formation mechanism and avoid multiple market players vying for market share game in the process of price-fixing conspiracy or the danger of excessive competition that may arise in the transition of competition. Third, the number of nets in the current mode of competition, network infrastructure, there is an inevitable degree of duplication of the building, and the Government through issuance of licenses, allocation of resources, such as an effective means to weaken their impact. Next goal is to minimize duplication of funding the construction of the network so as to avoid sedimentation and excess capacity to invest and improve the efficiency of resource use.
5.跪求一篇关于中国电信的案例分析论文 (1)中国电信市场引入竞争机制后,中国电信与中国移动、中国联通、中国网通等运营商展开激烈竞争 。
中国电信南北分拆后,在保留原有大部分固定电话网和数据通信业务的同时,继承了绝大部分的客户资源、保持良好的客户关系,在市场上占领了绝对的优势 。1.79亿的固定电话用户,1500多万的数据通信用户,为中国电信发展业务,增加收入奠定了良好的基础 。
(2)中国电信基础网络设施比较完善 。改革开放20多年来,中国电信己建成了覆盖全国,以光缆为主、卫星和微波为辅的高速率、大容量、具有一定规模、技术先进的基础传输网、接入网、交换网、数据通信网和智能网等 。
同时DWDM传输网,宽带接入网相继建设数据通信网络和智能网不断扩容 。中国电信的网络优势已经成为当前企业发展的核心能力,同时具备了向相关专业延伸的基础和实力 。