
1.合理消费英语作文带翻译Around the compus, we can commonly see some college students wear branded clothes, using the most advanced appliances such as Ipod, Iphone and Ipad. In spite of where the money comes from, I absolutely oppose the view that college students consume luxuries. As far as I am concerned, we should advocate rational consumption among college students. As follows, I will share some suggestions.
Above all, college students should have access to earning pocket money. This is a priority. Most college students, who have already asked their parents to pay their fee, should take responsibility to afford their daily consumption, let alone luxurious consumption.
In addition, it is necessity, rather than luxury, that counts. Seeing other students buying luxiry, some students are jealous and would like to buy one themselves. This is what we call irrational consumption.
Last but not least, keep a balance table each month. If you have fancy dinner this week, then you are supposed to cut down the cost next week. Also, you can set up some bonus plan for yourself. If you spend less than, say, 500 yuan per month, then you can allow yourself a 200 yuan luxury consumption next week. The amount varies as to how much you earn and how much you have.
In a word, it is beneficial to carry rational consumption among college students.
2.英语作文大学生怎么合理消费Around the compus, we can commonly see some college students wear branded clothes, using the most advanced appliances such as Ipod, Iphone and Ipad. In spite of where the money comes from, I absolutely oppose the view that college students consume luxuries. As far as I am concerned, we should advocate rational consumption among college students. As follows, I will share some suggestions.
Above all, college students should have access to earning pocket money. This is a priority. Most college students, who have already asked their parents to pay their fee, should take responsibility to afford their daily consumption, let alone luxurious consumption.
In addition, it is necessity, rather than luxury, that counts. Seeing other students buying luxiry, some students are jealous and would like to buy one themselves. This is what we call irrational consumption.
Last but not least, keep a balance table each month. If you have fancy dinner this week, then you are supposed to cut down the cost next week. Also, you can set up some bonus plan for yourself. If you spend less than, say, 500 yuan per month, then you can allow yourself a 200 yuan luxury consumption next week. The amount varies as to how much you earn and how much you have.
In a word, it is beneficial to carry rational consumption among college students.
3.求一篇关于大学生消费观的英语作文关于大学生消费观的英语作文120I think it is necessary for a university student to have a correct idea of consumption.First,consumption according to our own needs, but also to suit our needs.Second,consumption should be independent, not to repeat word for word what others say, do not follow the crowd, what head.Third,consumption should be coordinated, not only heavy material consumption and ignore the spiritual consumption.Fourth,consumer spending should be with their income to adapt and moderate consumption.At last ,we need to avoid the blindness and rational consumption.If we do that, we will have a correct view of consumption. 。
4.以中学生合理消费为题写一篇英语作文不少于80词语Nowadays, most middle school students have pocket money every month, and we did a survey in Class 1, Grade 9. As the result shows, among the thirty students taking part in the survey, most of them often buy snacks; about a half spend their pocket money on books, and a few save some of it. However, things on me are quite different. I usually spend most of the money buying good and educational books which I think make me more knowledgeable. Only a small part is spent on snacks as most of the snacks are in fact unhealthy for us. And I save the rest against a rainy day. It is true that we have more and more pocket money now. Whether we can make good use of it really counts, because it is partly influencing the way we are growing up. 海淀区范文海淀区范文海淀区范文海淀区范文 Most of the students spend their pocket money on snacks and mobile phones, only a few students choose to save their pocket money. Speaking of my ways to deal with the money, I often buy some books and educational magazines, for it will not only increase my knowledge, but also make my mind sharp and wise. Also I put the money into donation boxes in order to do contributions to those needed people. Helping others makes my life noble and meaningful. I sometimes buy small gifts for my family to make it much more harmony and joyful. No matter what we do with the pocket money, we're not supposed to waste it, for the money is the evidence of our parents' hard work. So we'd better make every money account. According to the results which this survey shows, it can be inferred that most students spend money on snacks or books; others pay for their mobile phones or other things while only one student saves the money. As for me, my answer is quite different from this result. Every month after getting my pocket money, I divide in into 2 parts. One is for the necessary cost of stationeries, books and mobile phone, the other is for saving. As far as I'm concerned, I don't know when I will meet the needs of money, so I'd better get ready for it from now on in order to give myself a hand. Also, there's no denying that it's very satisfying to have a number of savings. In brief, it's really vital for students to form a good habit of using money properly at present so that they can adept to the living in the future faster and better. So why not start your own plan of money-using at once? Nowadays, most middle school students have pocket money every month, and we did a survey in Class 1, Grade 9. The result is that five sixths of the students spend their money buying snacks, just half of them use the money to buy books and only 5 students save their pocket money. I usually spend half of my pocket money on books every month. Because I think books are nourishment for the mind, the experience of reading are precious as well as my knowledge is increased. On the contrary, I never buy snacks because I think it's a waste of money. As for the rest of money, I always save them up for my future plan of going abroad and something I feel like buying in the future. I think saving money is a good habit and I have saved a large number of money so far.All in all, different people have different ways to use pocket money. However, spend it on the things that you think they are useful, don't waste money, or you'll regret one day. According to the survey, most students use their pocket money to buy snacks, and half of students spend money on books. As for me, I hardly buy snacks, I prefer doing some beneficial things. When I get my pocket money, one thing I'd like to do is going to the bookstore to buy two or three English exercise books, because I believe the more exercises I practice, the better grades I'll get. The other thing is that some of my pocket money is given to charities by me, because I'm kind and warm-hearted. And I insist on helping homeless and sick people, especially the children. I also experience true happiness bring by doing it. Although we can determine how to use our pocket money, we really need to do good things and make contributions to helping our society. So today let's not waste money, make it to good use to help others. From the survey, we can see the results clearly that 25 students spend their money on the snacks and 20 students spend their money on the mobile phones and just 5 students save their money. As for me, it costs me a half money to eat snacks and one-fourth money on mobile phone to connect with my parents and classmates. Sometimes, I will spend a little money buying some books to increase my knowledge. And the other are all for saving, because I spend 。