
Come and see
过去式:saw; 过去分词:seen; 现在分词:seeing;
vt. & vi.
1. 看见; 观看,参见,看得见,看,有视力2. 领会,理解3. 考虑; 想想
1. 访问; 会见,遇见,碰到,邂逅2. 务必做到; 保证3. 发生; 经历; 经受4. 陪伴,护送5. 经历;遭受6. 观看(比赛、电视节目、演出等) 7. 拜访;看望;探视8. 会见;会晤9. 与(某人)待在一起;交往10. 认为;看待11. 设想;想像12. (通过查看、打听、等待)弄清,了解 13. 考虑;定夺14. 判定;把…看做…(as)15. 从…上得知,获悉16. 目睹;历经,体验17. 接见,会见;接待,与…会面18. 交际,约见19. 喜欢,看中;追求20. 同情,鼓励;帮助,资助21. 同意,赞成22. 作为…的见证者;(历史等)具有…的特点
1. 确保;务必(做到)2. 搞清楚,查明
1. See 主教(或大主教)教区;主教(或大主教)权限;牧座
2.英语作文,看看怎么写Recently we have held a class meeting to
disscuss what is consider to be honourable
and what is shameful.
To be frank,some students don't respect their teachers and parents.some don't take their studies seriously
and cheat in the exams. Still,some litter arounf,making the chool dirty. It is really a pity to see all this in our school.We think it honourable to obey the laws and rules and care much about class.It is also worthy
of praise to study hard.On the other hand,it is shameful to break school rules,to be selfish or to make
little effort to achieve success.
To, improve the present situation,what shall we do in the future?Firstly,set ourselves a goal and work hardto achieve our ambitions.Secondly,respect others and think more of them than of ourselves.In addition,we should try hard to keep the environment clean.

