
1.用英语写天气预报怎么写恩,格式我也不知道,没有格式吧?给个例子给好了 。你自己看着办 。
It's a pleasant 73 degree here.For those of you travelling tomorrow,here is a quick look at the weather for cities around the world.In Amsterda,it should be clear tomorrow with a high of 82 and a low of 70.Athen is also to clear with a high of 80 and a low of 70.Bangkok will be cloudy with a high of 90 and a low of 75.We also expect Beijing to be cloudy with a high of 96 and a low of 64.In Bogota you'll need your raincoats with rain expected and a high of only 56. At night the temperature will go down to 48.It will also rain in Cairo but much warmer with a high of 93 and a low of 73.Dublin will be cloudy,as it often is at this time of the year,with a high of 75 and a low of 55.Istanbul will be clear with a high of 86 and a low of 70 while in Moscow the weather will be cloudy and on the cool side with the temperature only reaching a high of 66 and going down to 48 at night.If you don't want hot weather ,stay away from New Delhi,where the temperature is expected to reach a high of 112 under cloudy skies and go down to a not very comfortable low of 80.For a beatiful day go to Warsaw where the skies will be clear and the temperature a pleasant 79 degrees going down to 59 in the evening.And that's it for weather around the world.
呵呵,终于打完了 。希望对你有些帮助 。
2.那位高人能说下设计一个天气预报的具体步骤是什么呀主页上面找控制面板选项,点击,进入个人维护首页 。然后是自定义空白面板_新增,点击后出现自定义空白面板.简介提示框,然后你在面板提示标题上输入“天气预报”,也可以写别的 。再在面板简介空白框中左下角的显示源代码前小方框内点一下,使其处于勾选状态,然后在出现的
后面把下面的代码复制粘贴上去: /getweatherb.swf" width="180" height="200" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">;也可以用下面的代码: 只是天气预报链接地址要在网上自己找 。代码填完后,点击保存 。这还没算完成,接下来要找“定制我的首页”这个选项 。在控制面板_个人维护首页_首页内容维护.简介这个版面的最下部(在“首页内容维护.简介”页面左侧的分题栏目中也能找到“定制我的首页”这个设置),也是个小栏目,名称为“我如何将制做好的面板添加到BLOG个人首页” 。点击其中所介绍的“定制我的首页”,出现个人主页,但个人主页边上多出了一个流动广告式的选项,上面有“保存设置”“添加模块”“刷新”,点击“添加模块”,打开“首页可定制模块到列表”页面,找到“自定义空白面板”栏,在它的下面有刚创建的“天气预报”小标题,在其前的方框内点击勾选,然后点击选取(这个选项在下面呢,找一下) 。还有最后一步,就是点一下流动广告式选项中的“保存设置”就OK了 。
3.用英语写天气预报怎么写恩,格式我也不知道,没有格式吧?给个例子给好了 。
你自己看着办 。It's a pleasant 73 degree here.For those of you travelling tomorrow,here is a quick look at the weather for cities around the world.In Amsterda,it should be clear tomorrow with a high of 82 and a low of 70.Athen is also to clear with a high of 80 and a low of 70.Bangkok will be cloudy with a high of 90 and a low of 75.We also expect Beijing to be cloudy with a high of 96 and a low of 64.In Bogota you'll need your raincoats with rain expected and a high of only 56. At night the temperature will go down to 48.It will also rain in Cairo but much warmer with a high of 93 and a low of 73.Dublin will be cloudy,as it often is at this time of the year,with a high of 75 and a low of 55.Istanbul will be clear with a high of 86 and a low of 70 while in Moscow the weather will be cloudy and on the cool side with the temperature only reaching a high of 66 and going down to 48 at night.If you don't want hot weather ,stay away from New Delhi,where the temperature is expected to reach a high of 112 under cloudy skies and go down to a not very comfortable low of 80.For a beatiful day go to Warsaw where the skies will be clear and the temperature a pleasant 79 degrees going down to 59 in the evening.And that's it for weather around the world.呵呵,终于打完了 。