careerplan怎么写( 二 )

A teacher is the model of his students. A teacher will always love her students as same as her children.To be a teacher should be fun but challenging.So i must study hand to learn a lot of knowledge and learn how to get on well with others. If i have chance one day, i will choose teacher as my career.
5.what is your career planwhat is your career plan的意思是你的职业规划是什么?career plan的中文翻译终身职业计划,专职计划例句:1、She wanted him to realize that she'd made a sacrifice when she'd thrown up her career to become a planter's wife.她想要他认识到:她放弃了自己的事业,嫁给一个种植园主为妻,是一种自我牺牲 。
2、I was planning a career in law.我正盘算着当一名专业律师 。3、My courses at Zhongshan University were specially planned to prepare me for a career in personnel management.我在中山大学所修的课程特别为我在人事管理方面的事业铺平了道路4、Translators do not ordinarily achieve such renown and the wry, soft-spoken foreign-language professor seems bemused by his success in a career he never planned.一个翻译家获得这样的声望是非同寻常的 。
这位表情幽默、说话轻柔的外语教授未曾打算过从事翻译工作,他对自己所取得的成就感到意外 。5、Once you agree on specific career development plans with our employees, be sure that you uphold your end of the bargain, and that your employees uphold their end as well.一旦你认同下属特殊的职业发展计划,要确定你赞成协议即到此完结,同时你的下属也同样赞成这样 。
6.the importance of making a career plan的英语作文As a saying goes,Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass,career planning is so
important to every university student.In order to be competitive in society full of talents and not to
let the rest of years in my university pass in vain,I want to make a career plan to look forward to
my future and realize my ideal of life.
As a English major learner,I want to find a job which can make good use of what I learn at
university after my graduation.University English teacher is perfect to me.To achieve the goal,I
gonna learn more to improve my professional level.Reading more related books to expand my
mental horizon is quite necessary in the rest years.What
s more, I should never forget to practice
my listening and speaking at planned way.
I have a bright and cheerful personality and treat people sincerely.I diligent and know how to
language,especially English.It
s quite a pleasure that I could major English in this university after
【careerplan怎么写】the university entrance examination.I am developing my love to English here.I enjoy discuss some
focal difficulty and sharing what I know about English with my classmates and teachers,which
makes me happy and satisfied everyday. The characters I mention may be my advantages in the
future competition.
Our future will be determined by our goals and by the struggle to make them real.I want to
temper myself in the limited tim in college,so that I could deal with serious employment situation
and realize my dream in the future.
7.My Career Planning麻烦高手写写作文,120词It's never too late to step back and take a look at your career; where you've come from, where you are, and especially where you want to be in three to five years 。
To answer the question, you need to create a career plan, a task that requires a look into the future 。First, step back and take a close look at what makes you happy. What type of work or activity makes you want to “jump out of bed” in the morning? Too often, people settle into work roles that are not that interesting or fun for them, but they do it “for the money.” My belief is that when you find your life's passion, the money will come. In fact, you may make more than you ever did in an unfulfilling job. second,Once you determine the type of job you really want, you should develop a plan to get there. Talk to someone already doing the type of work you seek. Ask specific questions to learn all that you can about the work, the issues, and problems that come with the job.The third step in developing a career plan is to determine the paths to your goal i think these three part should Taken into Account in Career Planning 谢谢采纳 。