
1.介绍土豆的英文要有中文翻译【土豆的英文怎么写呀】Potato is a starchy, tuberous crop. It's very adaptable, from fertile lowlands to the high mountains where little else will grow.
It has become one of the most popular vegetable. Delicious, nutritious and inexpensive makes it a favourite of the rich and poor.
There are various potato dishes: stewed potatoes and beef, diced/sliced potatoes, potato soup, potato and pork, potato cake, mashed potato, hash browns, fench fries, gnocchi, baked potato, 。etc.
From crispy to soft, sweet, salty, spicy and many other flavours all suit potato.
土豆是一种淀粉类,块根作物 。适应性很强,从肥沃低地到很少植物存货的高山 。
它已成为最受欢迎的蔬菜之一 。美味,营养又廉价使它成为穷人和富人的最爱 。
由脆到软,甜,咸,辣和许多其他味道都和土豆相配 。

