
1.书记室,小会议室,副校长室,用英文怎么写书记室:Party Secretary's Office 副校长室:副校长(大学) vice-president office vice-principal office 副校长(中小学) deputy headmaster office deputy head office 小会议室:我觉得完全没必要把“小”翻译出来,要区分大小会议室只要后面加个号码就可以了,meeting room 2,所以也不要翻译成Conference Room,因为Conference本身就是比较正是的会议,怎么会在小会议室开呢?呵呵 。
2.校长用英文怎么说校长用英文译为:principal, presiden, headmaster,chancellor,schoolmaster 。
拓展资料1、维持秩序和纪律的工作已交接给了校长和管理机构了 。Order and discipline have been placed in the hands of headmasters and governing bodies.2、她对校长和教师们满心钦佩 。
She is full of admiration for the head and teachers. 3、学生们通过了对校长进行不信任投票的动议 。The students passed a motion of no-confidence in the college principal. 4、到了我当校长的时候,大学评议会的人员规模已显著扩大,也变得更加民主了 。
By the time I was Vice Chancellor, Senate had become a much larger and a much more democratic body .5、这位校长很谦虚 。This headmaster is very modest. 6、校长把我校的所有报告都存档保存.The principal keeps all our school reports on file. 7、老师们在校长办公室门前举行了一场静坐抗议 。
Teachers staged a sit-down protest in front of the president's office. 8、学校归校长管辖 。A school is a principal's jurisdiction. 9、他是英格兰西部一所公学的校长 。
He was headmaster of a public school in the West of England. 10、我相信她的话在校长面前有一些分量,她有可能说服他 。I believe she has some influence with the headmaster--she might persuade him 。
3.校长的英文缩写rector . . . 英语词汇分类——教育 - 尹君群英语同步英语MP3. deputy headmaster.com - 基于4558个网页 2.. samestep 。
1. president . . . 个人简历英文词汇大全(附外国人英文简历典范一篇)。. 55555.cubefrance.com - 基于770个网页 3. principal . . . 中国Java开发网。
deputy head 副校长 rector 校长 dean 教务长 .. . term 学期 (英) president 校长 vice-president 副校长。
. Physical Education Teacher 物理教师 Principal 校长 School Psychologist 心理咨询教师 。

