
1.西厨Chef de PartieA chef de partie, often called a "station chef" or a "line cook," is responsible for one particular area of food production in the kitchen. This position is usually found in larger kitchens with a staff big enough to allow for specialization. Usually, each "station" in the kitchen has only one or two workers on duty at any given time. In a case where there's more than one chef de partie on duty, they're often divided into a hierarchy using titles like "first cook," "second cook" and so forth.Chef de Partie 就是说 , 他是负责在厨房里负责单独特别的一个食物处理方面的事情的这个是一个厨房里的一个工作吧我觉得是法语~ 。
2.求西餐厨房工作英语资料西餐厅英语口语 一、沙司Sauce ⑴冷沙司和冷调味品: ①马乃司沙司MayonnaiseSauce ②千岛汁ThousandIslands Dressing ③醋油汁OilVinegar ④芥末沙司MustardSauce ⑤法式汁FrenchDressing ⑥奶酪汁CheeseDressing ⑵热沙司: ①布朗沙司BrownSauce ②苹果沙司AppleSauce ③咖喱沙司CurrySauce ④奶油沙司CreamSauce ⑤番茄沙司TomatoSauce ⑥黄油沙司ButterSauce 二、菜肴生熟程度 ⑴一成熟Rare-R ⑵三成熟MediumRare-MR ⑶五成熟Medium-M ⑷八成熟Mediumwell-MW ⑸全熟Well-downW 三、早餐 1、大陆式早餐Continental Breakfast 2、美式早餐American Breakfast ⑴果汁类:橙汁Orange Juice 菠萝汁Pineapple Juice 番茄汁TomatoJuice 柠檬汁LemonJuice 西柚汁Grapefruit Juice ⑵谷物类食品:燕麦片Oatmeal 玉米片Cornflakes 糖浆Syrup 蜂蜜Honey ⑶蛋类:①煎蛋Fried Egg 单面煎Sunny-sideup 双面煎Over Easy 双面煎老蛋OverHard ②煮蛋BoiledEgg 嫩2-3 老5-7 ③炒蛋ScrambledEgg ④水波蛋PoachedEgg ⑤蛋卷Omelet 清蛋卷Plainomelet 洋葱蛋卷Onionomelet 番茄蛋卷Tomatoomelet 火腿蛋卷Hamomelet ⑷肉类:火腿Ham 香肠Sausage 烟肉Bacon ⑸面包:烤面包Toast 面包卷Roll 半角包Croissant 黄油Butter 果酱Jam 苹果酱Apple Jam 橘子酱MarmaladeJam ⑹饮料类:咖啡coffee 红茶Black Tea 牛奶Milk 椰子Coco 正餐 1、头盆 Appetizers Starters Hord'euvres 2、汤Soups 3、色拉Salads 4、主菜Main Courses 5、甜点Desserts ①奶酪Cheese ②甜品Sweets 蛋糕Cake 布丁Pudding 比萨Pizza 煎饼Pancake 冰淇淋Ice Gream 水果Fruit 香烟Cigarette 菜单menu 烹调方法 1、煎Fried 2、炸deep-fried 3、炒Saute 4、煮Boil 5、焖Braise 6、烩Stew 7、烤Roast 8、焗Bake 9、铁扒Grill 10、串烧Broil酒店早餐英语口语 水果: 西瓜 Water melon 调料: 方糖 Sugar 西红柿 Tomato 盐 Salt 香蕉 Banana 酱油 Soy sauce 梨 Pear 果酱 Jam 橙 Orange 椒盐 Pepper 葡萄 Grape 醋 Vinegar 点心: 蛋糕 Cake 黄油 Butter 煎饺 Frieddumpling 双面煎蛋 Friedover 油条Deep-fried dough sticks 单面煎蛋 Sunny side up 肉包 Steamedstuffed buns 咸鸭蛋 Salt duck's egg 夹馅面包 Breadsandwich 1.Welcome to our restaurant. 欢迎到我们餐厅来 。
烤面包 Toast 2.Have agood time! 炒饭 Friedrice 祝您用餐愉快! 炒面 FriedNoodles 3.You are welcome. 不用谢 。稀饭 Rice grud 4.I'm sorry, It's my fault. 饮料: 牛奶 Milk 很抱歉 , 那是我的错 。
豆浆 Saybeanmilk 5.Where is the washroom? 橙汁 Orangejuice 卫生间在哪儿? 6.This way,please. 咖啡 Coffee 请这边走 。黑咖 Blakcoffee 7.I'm afraid, Youshould pay it extra. 对不起 , 恐怕这个要额外付费 。
【西厨英语怎么写】 奶咖 Whitecoffee 8.The coffeeis free for you. 红茶 Red tea 这咖啡是为您免费提供的 。9.How woldyou like to pay in cash or by credit card? 绿茶 Green tea 您如何付款 , 刷卡还是现金? 10.This isyour bill,Please check it and sign here. 这是您的帐单 , 请核查并签字 。

