外文文献出处怎么写( 二 )

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注意把标点符号写正确 。
5.求这篇外文文献翻译的出处,是什么刊物Title(标题): Intelligent traffic light control
Authors(作者):Marco Wiering, Jelle Van Veenen, Jilles Vreeken, Arne Koopman
Publication date(发表日期):2004年7月9日
Journal(期刊):Institute of Information and Computing Sciences. Utrecht University
(乌得勒支大学 - 信息与计算科学研究所)
Technical report UU-CS-2004-029 (技术报告编号:UU-CS-2004-029)
Vehicular travel is increasing throughout the world, particularly in large urban areas. Therefore the need arises for simulating and optimizing traffic control algorithms to better accommodate this increasing demand. In this paper we study the simulation and optimization of traffic light controllers in a city and present an adaptive optimization algorithm based on reinforcement learning. We have implemented a traffic light simulator, Green Light District, that allows us to experiment with different infrastructures and to compare different traffic light controllers. Experimental results indicate that our adaptive traffic light controllers outperform other fixed controllers on all studied infrastructures.
Keywords(关键词): Intelligent Traffic Light Control, Reinforcement Learning, Multi-Agent Systems (MAS), Smart Infrastructures, Transportation Research

