
1.'我笑'英文怎么说我笑:I smiled 。
笑的表达方法如下:1、laugh——笑 they all laughed loudly . 他们都大声地笑了 。he laughs best who laughs last . 别高兴得太早了 。
2、smile——微笑 he smiled his consent . 他微笑以示同意 。she smiled to see the children so happy . 她看到孩子们这样快乐,也为之莞尔 。
3、grin——露齿而笑 he was grinning with delight . 他高兴得咧开嘴笑了 。the boy grinned from ear to ear when i gave him an apple . 当我给哪个孩子一个苹果的时候,他咧开嘴笑了 。
4、chuckle——含笑;咯咯地笑;低声轻笑 he was chuckling to himself over what he was reading . 他对所读的东西觉得很有趣,因而暗自发笑 。5、giggle——傻笑;格格地笑 the silly school girls giggled . 女生们在傻笑 。
i heard them giggle when i passed by the girls . 当我做过那些女孩子身边时,我听到她们在格格地笑 。6、snicker——忍笑;暗笑(通常有不敬的成分) on hearing his absurd opinion , i went snickering . 听了他那荒谬的意见,我忍俊不禁走开了 。
7、simper——假笑;痴笑 he simpers at my word . 他闻我言而痴笑 。when i told him the thing , he simply simpered . 当我把那事告诉他时,他只是假笑了一下 。
8、smirk——微笑,得意地笑;假笑 he smirked at everyone that passed . 他对过路的每个人傻笑 。an innocent smile of a child is much above the artificial smirk of a person in social intercourse . 一个小孩的天真的微笑,实在胜于社交场中的假笑 。
9、titter——窃笑;忍笑 the girls tittered . ( =giggled ) 女孩子们格格笑了 。he told me that with a titter . 他笑着告诉了我 。
10、roar——哄笑,大笑 his jokes set the table in a roar . 他的笑话使得哄堂大笑 they roared with laughter . 他们哄然大笑 。11、guffaw——喧笑;狂笑;捧腹大笑(一般指不高尚的) everybody in the room surprised at him as he guffawed on the occasion . 当他在那样的场合捧腹大笑时,房间里的人都吃了一惊 。
the crowd laugh an guffaw as soon as they see the ridiculous manner of the buffoon . 大家一见小丑那种滑稽样子,立刻哄堂大笑 。12、cachinnate——大声笑,哄笑 he cachinnated till his sides ached . 他笑得肚皮都痛了 。
13、horselaugh——(高声大笑)如马嘶一般 he burst out into a horselaugh . 他突然放声狂笑 。14、cackle——(呵呵大笑)如母鸡生蛋后的叫声 those cackles from young male throats , the cultivated whoops from the girls , and the throb of the record player could only mean another of the impromptu parties . 那些男孩子们的呵呵笑声,女孩子们的训练有素的呼呼声,以及留声机上发出的节奏声,足以说明这又是一次临时的舞会 。
15、chortle——欢笑;咯咯地笑 the children chortled all the time . 孩子们始终欢笑不止 。

