
1.重阳节英语作文可以怎么写人生易老天难老,岁岁重阳,今又重阳 。战地黄花分外香 。” 又到重阳,我还没有彻底的老去,但衰老是终究会到来的盛宴 。曾经在这个多彩的世界走过,那是怎样的奇妙! 史铁生在地坛的余辉中感悟生命,不论生有怎样的艰难,它都是美丽的,为什么不能善待自己、他人,怀着美好的心来感念上帝的恩赐? 经历心灵上极度的绝望之后,我才知道自己的狭隘、幼稚、可笑,但这也是我的财富,它至少教会我如何坚持下去 。人生的易老让我懂得珍惜,珍惜不是挥霍,不是现在俗务中疲累,而是对心灵的释放,心若不自由了,哪里还有自己的天地 。在这个日益繁复的剧场里,总要找准位置 。而天既然难老,就更要把自己放归,像鸟一样冲破风雨飞翔,像草一样在茫茫草海中自在生长 。
"Life is easy to the old, the year of the sun, now the heavy sun. The field is fragrant with yellow flowers. To the heavy sun, I have not been completely old, but old age is a feast to come. What a wonderful thing it was to walk through this colorful world! Shi tiesheng felt his life in the afterglow of the earth altar. However hard it was, it was beautiful. Why can't you be kind to yourself, others, and have a good heart to read the gift of god? After experiencing the extreme despair of my heart, I knew that I was narrow, childish and ridiculous, but it was also my wealth, and it taught me at least how to stick to it. Life is easy for me to cherish, to cherish not to waste, not to be tired of now, but to the release of the heart, if not free, where to have their own world. In this increasingly complex theatre, always look for the right place. And when the sky is not old, we should set ourselves free, like a bird, and fly through the wind and rain, like grass in the boundless sea of grass.
2.关于重阳节的英语短文带翻译重阳节,又称“踏秋”,汉族传统节日 。庆祝重阳节一般会包括出游赏景、登高远眺、观赏菊花、遍插茱萸、吃重阳糕、饮菊花酒等活动 。
每年的农历九月初九日,也是中国传统四大祭祖的节日。重阳节早在战国时期就已经形成,到了唐代,重阳被正式定为民间的节日,此后历朝历代沿袭至今 。重阳与三月初三日“踏春”皆是家族倾室而出,重阳这天所有亲人都要一起登高“避灾” 。
The Double Ninth Festival, also known as the 'foot of autumn', Chinese traditional festival. To celebrate the festival usually includes travel Shangjing, climb mountains, enjoy chrysanthemums, biancha Mastixia, eat Double Ninth cakes and drink chrysanthemum wine activities. The annual Lunar New Year in September the ninth day of the fourth month and four Chinese traditional ancestor worship festival. The Double Ninth Festival early in the Warring States period has been formed, to the Tang Dynasty, the Double Ninth Festival was officially designated as the folk festival, later dynasties followed so far. The Double Ninth Festival in March and the third day 'spring' is the one room and the family, the double ninth day all the family should take 'refuge'.
3.“重阳节”英语怎么写Chongyang Festival
重阳节,农历九月初九,二九相重,称为“重九” 。汉中叶以后的儒家阴阳观,有六阴九阳 。九是阳数,固重九亦叫“重阳” 。民间在该日有登高的风俗,所以重阳节又称“登高节” 。还有重九节、茱萸、菊花节等说法 。
除此之外,九月初九“九九”谐音是“久久”,有长久之意,所以常在此日祭祖与推行敬老活动 。重阳节与除、清、盂三节也是中国传统节日里祭祖的四大节日 。只是近年来,人们对老人的推重,故此节日又被称为老人节 。
4.九九重阳节的英语作文不少于50个词Dear Tony,Chongyang,the traditional Chinese festival for the elderly,is coming around.We are planning to visit the Nursing Home to celebrate the speeial day, and we would like to invite students from your school to join us.… Looking forward to your early reply. We have planned several activities. When we get there,we will visit the elderly in their rooms in groups,presenitng them with flowers and self-made cards to show our respect and love. Then we will do some cleaning and washing for them with the help of the nurses. As some old people feel lonely. We may chat with them about their old days, changes of our city, or anything they are interested in. We may also give them some performanees: singing,daneingand so on. I am sure we will both gain a better understanding of the elderly in China. If you have any suggestions,please let us know. 。