4.孩子的童言稚语怎么写1. 盲道=忙碌的道路 。睿睿说“妈妈 , 你来走盲道吧”;妈妈答“这是盲人走的 , 我不走”;睿睿接着说“我就是想着你上班太忙了 , 让你来走走“忙道” 。
2. “ 男孩子应该保护女孩子 , 因为男孩是国王 , 女孩是公主 。爸爸是大国王 , 妈妈是大公主 。”
3. “妈妈 , 七星瓢虫拉出来的屎是绿色的 。那它拉出来的尿是什么颜色的呢?“
4. 以前每当看到小兄弟的画面睿睿总会让妈妈给他生个小弟弟 。某日 , 看到同样的画面时 , 睿睿说“妈妈 , 你不用给我生弟弟了 。我长大要结婚的 , 我会自己生的” 。
5. 妈妈问睿睿明天想吃什么早餐?睿睿答“吃煮鸡蛋吧 , 带壳的那种” 。妈妈说“要不要吃花卷”?睿睿答“不要啦!给你早点睡 , 花卷太麻烦了” 。
6. 睿睿要求妈妈给他做豆沙包吃 , 妈妈只好临时抱佛脚 , 现翻书学着做 。到了睡觉的点 , 他主动要求爸爸来陪 , 让妈妈去做包子 。早晨醒来第一句话“妈妈 , 你昨天晚上做到几点”?好温暖的问候 。看到妈妈做的实在没什么看样的豆沙包 , 居然赞美道“太漂亮了 , 像朵花一样” 。
7. 睿睿住院了 , 妈妈的朋友打来电话 , 要来看睿睿 。挂了电话 , 睿睿在一旁说“你告诉阿姨 , 不要带哥哥来 , 医院里的病毒太多了 , 传染给哥哥怎么办呀”?
8. 睿睿出院后 , 家人决定给他调养一段时间 , 所以暂时没有送幼儿园 。周五的下午有彩泥课 , 老师让把他送过去 , 妈妈问他的意见 , 睿睿说“我不去 , 万一传染给我的同学怎么办”?妈妈赶紧解释“让你在家不是你会传染别人 , 是想让你把身体调养的更健壮 , 不容易受到病毒感染” 。
9. 带睿睿看绘本 , 里面有啄木鸟正在练习飞行的画面 。睿睿问到“它们为什么要练习飞行呢”?妈妈说“因为它们想要飞向蓝天” 。睿睿说“可是它们的爸爸妈妈会想它们 , 会难过的” , 说完眼泪就下来了 。细腻的孩子 , 已经能感受到父母对孩子的不舍了 。
5.英语作文 howtolearnenglishwell 怎么写As English is one of the main subjects that the Chinese students have to take up, learning English becomes prevalence. More and more students find it hard to learn English, because it is fresh to them. Depending on different personality, experience and background, different people may have different menthods to learn English. In my opinion,interest and practice are the best ways to learn English.Firstly, interest is the best teacher. No matter who wants learn or do something, interest is the bestcatalyst. Having interest, peole will feel easier to complete things. So does learning English. If any one feels difficulty in learning English, the first thing he should consider is to develop his interest on English.Secondly, practice makes perfect. The most common way to learn English is practise more. Nothing would be difficult with practice. For example, if someone find it hard to remember vocabulary, he can see the word everyday before he goes to sleep. I'm sure he will remember words quickly.All in all, there is no fast way to learn English well, except work hard. But if people have interest on English and knows the importance of practice, they will master it sooner or later. 。
6.My school rule的作文怎么写Rules of My School
We have a lot of school rules at our school . And we aren't allowed to break the rules. I think some of the rules are necessary. For example, students must listen carefully in class and finish homework carefully.And we aren't allowed to make noise in library. Library should be always very quiet .We have to be friendly to classmates .It's helpful to get along with classmates.
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