1.你有什么事“你有什么事?”英语:What's your matter?
1. 你有什么事就说吧 , 别圈在心里 。Speak out. Don't just brood over things.
2. 我可以问你有什么事我能帮忙吗?May I ask if there is anything I can do for you?
3. 我是个很忙的人 , 你有什么事?I'm a busy woman, what do you want?
4. 请问你有什么事?hat is this in connection with, please?
5. 你有什么事啊 , 一定得告诉他 。So if you need anything, tell him.
6. 这狂妄的人来见你有什么事呢?Why did this madman come to you?
7. 我父亲找你有什么事?What did my father want with you?
8. 不过如果你有什么事 , 任何事 , 就留个口讯 。But if you ever need anything, anything at all, just leave a message.
9. 也要入海求仙了 。你有什么事吗?Also wants to go to the sea in search of the magic drug. what's up?
10. 因为你从不告诉我们你有什么事 。It's not like you ever talk abo what happened.
11. 是的 。你有什么事要办吗?Are you going to the post office?
12. 无论你有什么事要 , 如果你说没时间做 , 那对你很不利 。No matter what you have going on after, it's a huge red flag if you say you don't have time.
13. 那位先生找你有什么事吗?What matters did the gentlemen go to find you?
14. 王问她说 , 你有什么事呢 。And the king said unto her, What aileth thee?
15. 不喜欢你有什么事都自己一个人承担 , 那样她会更加担心 。The girl who loves you truly would be more worried if you don't share your sorrow with her.
2.“你有什么事“你有什么事?”英语:What's your matter?
1. 你有什么事就说吧 , 别圈在心里 。Speak out. Don't just brood over things.
2. 我可以问你有什么事我能帮忙吗?May I ask if there is anything I can do for you?
3. 我是个很忙的人 , 你有什么事?I'm a busy woman, what do you want?
4. 请问你有什么事?hat is this in connection with, please?
5. 你有什么事啊 , 一定得告诉他 。So if you need anything, tell him.
6. 这狂妄的人来见你有什么事呢?Why did this madman come to you?
7. 我父亲找你有什么事?What did my father want with you?
【有什么事用英语怎么说】8. 不过如果你有什么事 , 任何事 , 就留个口讯 。But if you ever need anything, anything at all, just leave a message.
9. 也要入海求仙了 。你有什么事吗?Also wants to go to the sea in search of the magic drug. what's up?
10. 因为你从不告诉我们你有什么事 。It's not like you ever talk abo what happened.
11. 是的 。你有什么事要办吗?Are you going to the post office?
12. 无论你有什么事要 , 如果你说没时间做 , 那对你很不利 。No matter what you have going on after, it's a huge red flag if you say you don't have time.
13. 那位先生找你有什么事吗?What matters did the gentlemen go to find you?
14. 王问她说 , 你有什么事呢 。And the king said unto her, What aileth thee?
15. 不喜欢你有什么事都自己一个人承担 , 那样她会更加担心 。The girl who loves you truly would be more worried if you don't share your sorrow with her.
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