有了自信我们可以实现生活中的目标 。——学习历史的重要性 The Importance of Learning History 学习历史的重要性 The Importance of Learning History 作者:adreep 来源:互联网 时间:2013-06-28 Any subject of study needs justification: its advocates must explain why it is worth attention. Most popular subjects like technology and economics attract lots of people, simply because they make it much easier for students to land a job while majors like history are not that lucky in job hunting. However, learning history is indeed beneficial for everyone.任何学习的科目都需要解释:它的倡导者必须得解释为什么是值得关注的 。
最受欢迎的学科像技术和经济吸引了许多人,仅仅是因为他们可以更容易地找到 。
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