coverletter怎么写( 三 )

4. 求职的Cover letter 怎么写 Honorable Sir/ lady:
Thank you first, for sparing your busy time to look up my job application materials. I am a (**专业) specialized undergraduating(or post graduate) student of (**学校). I hear that your company is recruiting the (职位). Considering my interest in the job and qualifications, I deliver this resume to you prudently, and hope to get a chance to participate in your further interview to show my individual ability to you. if being lucky to join your company, I will certainly grow with the development of your company and make self contribution maximally.
Job applicator: ***
5. cover letter如何写 Dear Graduate Admission Committee,
Please find enclosed my application packet for the Bioinformatics Program and financial aid. I enclose one original and copies of the following:
Cover sheet
Undergraduate transcript
Masters' transcript(if availabe)
Graduate transcript(if availabe)
Two page Resume/Curriculum Vitae
Two page Personal Statement
I also enclose three letters of recommendation. The first is from my academic advisor, P. Zou, Deputy Head of my college, whom I am assisting for in his program. The second is from another professor, X. M. M, Chair of Communication Engineering in my college, whom I have taken classes from and worked on research projects with in her DSP lab. The third is from the other professor, M Cheng, who taught me Digital Circuit. I spent last summer on a research supervised by Prof. Cheng. He informed me your school for the first choice, for he was a visiting professor staying two years in Dept. of ECE in your university.
Please email me if you have queries regarding my application.
Johnny Wu
Dear Sir or madam: I undergraduate with a Bachelor of Finance degree from XXX University here in ch ina, and I am applying to your prestigious graduate school for the 2003 fall ter m. Enclosed are my application materials. They are: Name of the Document Quantity Completed application form 1 Certificate of Undergraduate and Degree 1 Transcript (Bachelor) 1 Recommendation Letter 2 Personal Statements 1 Resume 1 … If any further material is required for my application, please let me know at yo ur earliest convenience. To be a graduate student of yours is my sincere hope. Your favorable considerati on of my application indeed means a lot to me. Sincerely yours, XXX
6. cover letter 怎么写 Cover letter中文叫做投稿信 , 是在投稿的时候写给编辑的信 , 作用跟古时候拜访人家用的拜帖有点相似 。如果把期刊编辑形容成住在高墙大院里的名门望族 , 那投稿人就是希望给伯乐相中的无名小辈 , 这么说来拜帖一定要精致醒目有特色 。不过如果作者已经是业内大牛了 , 估计投稿信是可以随意一些的 。
虽说文章能不能发表靠的还是科研价值本身 , 但是投稿信也是很重 要的 。在现在发表的文章越来越多 , 权威期刊不缺稿源的情况下 , 责任编辑做的是择优录用 , 先淘汰掉一部分感觉上价值不大的稿件 。如果投稿信没有含什么有用的信息 , 文章一眼看上去又没有太多吸引力 , 一些责任编辑就会很快做出拒稿决定 。当然用的是非常委婉的说法 , 拒稿信用的也是统一模板 。比如:
Thank you for submitting your manuscript, referenced below, to .
We have examined your paper, and conclude that it is not suitable for this Journal. It is our consensus that a specialized journal in this area would bring your paper to the attention of a more interested audience. This is not a judgement on the technical quality of your manuscript.
Sincerely yours,
但是实际上 , 这篇第二天就被责任编辑拒稿的文章其实符合期刊发表的研究方向 , 因为有几篇相关的文章就是发表在该期刊上 。不过被拒了也就拒了 , 再去辩解也毫无意义 。不过好奇之下 , 还是去google了一下责任编辑的背景 , 主要是做光学的 , 跟文章所属的电磁方向虽然是一大类 , 但还是有所区别 。再回头看那个投稿信 , 用的就是以前的模板 , 只是用两句话简要介绍了一下文章的主要结果 。模板如下: