我的爸爸是英文怎么写( 二 )

我喜欢我的爸爸——纯属个人创作 。
5. 爸爸英文怎么说【我的爸爸是英文怎么写】 爸爸[bà ba]英文 dad; father;daddy;papa;poppa; dada;daddy 例句 这护士照顾这位病人彷佛在照顾她爸爸似的 。
The nurse attends on the patient as if he were her father.爸爸每天早上走路去上班 。Father walks to his office every morning.在我祖父看来,我爸爸仍然是个小孩 。
It seems to my grandfather that my father is still a child.他爸爸坚持他们应该搬到乡下 。His father insisted that they (should) move to the country.小男孩让爸爸带他出去 。
The little boy asked his papa to take him outside.我喜欢和爸爸一起下国际象棋 。I like to play chess with my father.你可能发现你爸爸你也许发现你爸爸越老就越像个孩子 。
You may find that your dad becomes more like a kid as he gets older.爸爸很想你,爸爸很爱你 。So there is no need nitpicking. 。