属英语怎么写( 二 )

与snake组成的成语习语、谚语有许多,简举几例: a snake in the grass.潜伏的敌人或危险 。to warm a snake in one's bosom.养虎贻患,姑息坏人 。
Takd heed of the snake in the grass.草里防蛇 。七. 马——Horse 英美国家的人很喜欢马,因此,用“horse”这个词组成的词组、成语、谚语非常之多,此举几例: 1. get on the high horse.摆架子,目空一切 。
2. work like a horse.辛苦的干活 。3. horse doctor.兽医、庸医 。
4. dark horse.竞争中出人意料的获胜者 。如:The voters were surprised when the dark horse won the nomination.那个无名小卒在竞争中获胜时,投票者无不大吃一惊 。
八. 羊——Sheep 英语中指害羞而忸怩的人,胆小鬼,驯服的人 。有关sheep的谚语不少 。
1. As well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb. 偷羊偷羔都是绞(死);偷大偷小统是贼 (意指:一不做,二不休) 。2. There's a black sheep in every flock. 每一羊群里都会有一只黑羊,丑儿子家家有(意指:每个家里都会有个败家子 。)
3. He that makes himself a sheep shall be eaten by the wolf. 甘心做绵羊,早晚喂 豹狼(人弱受人欺) 。4. The sheep who tallks peace with a wolf will soon be mutton. 羊向狼乞求和平,很快就会变成羊肉(意指,切勿向敌人乞求和平) 。
5. 十二生肖怎么读(英语) 十二生肖(twelve Chinese zodiac signs)读法(英语)
一. 鼠 Rat [r?t]
二. 牛 Ox [ 英][?ks] [美][ɑks]
三. 虎 Tiger ['ta?g?]
四. 兔 Rabbit ['r?b?t]
五. 龙 Dragon ['dr?g(?)n]
六. 蛇 Snake [sne?k]
七. 马 Horse [h??s]
八. 羊 Goat [g??t]
九. 猴 Monkey ['m??k?]
十. 鸡 Rooster ['ru?st?]
十一. 狗 Dog [d?g]
十二. 猪 Boar [b??]
“What animal sign were you born under? 你属什么?
I was born in the year of the Rat. / Mine is the Rat.(我属鼠 。)”
1、This year is my year of fate.
2、This year is my animal year.
3、This year is my birth year.
【属英语怎么写】4、This year is my big year