恐龙的英文怎么写的( 二 )

3. 恐龙用英语怎么说 恐龙的英语:dinosaur 一、dinosaur的读音:英[?da?n?s?:(r)] 美[?da?n??s?r] 二、dinosaur的释义n. [生] 恐龙; 守旧落伍的人,过时落后的东西; 三、dinosaur的例句You had George Washington fighting a dinosaur. 你让乔治华盛顿和恐龙搏斗!Exhibit dinosaur skeletons, fossil and the Jurassic Period. 展示恐龙骨架、化石和侏罗纪时期 。
四、dinosaur的复数:dinosaurs dinosaurs 英['da?n?s?:z] 美['da?n?s?:z] n. <生>恐龙( dinosaur的名词复数 ); 守旧落伍的人,过时落后的东西; A new generation of scientists became fascinated by dinosaurs.新一代科学家对恐龙研究着了迷 。扩展资料一、dinosaur的词汇搭配Dinosaur classification 恐龙分类表Dinosaur Assassin 恐龙刺客 ; 恐龙杀手e69da5e6ba903231313335323631343130323136353331333431346332The Dinosaur 恐龙Dinosaur Park 恐龙公园 ; 恐龙园 ; 侏罗纪恐龙世界Dinosaur Driver 恐龙Dinosaur dig 掘恐龙二、dinosaur的近义词:obsolete obsolete 英[??bs?li:t] 美[?ɑ:bs??li:t] adj. 废弃的;老式的,已过时的; [生] 已废退的; n. 废词;被废弃的事物; vt. 淘汰; 废弃; So much equipment becomes obsolete almost as soon as it's made.这么多设备几乎一生产出来就要被淘汰 。
第三人称单数:obsoletes 现在分词:obsoleting 过去式:obsoleted过去分词:obsoleted 。
4. 用英文介绍恐龙+翻译 简短一些 恐龙是生活在距今大约2亿3500万年至6500万年前的、能以后肢支撑身体直立行走的的一类动物,支配全球陆地生态系统超过1亿6千万年之久 。
【恐龙的英文怎么写的】大部分恐龙已经灭绝,但是恐龙的后代——鸟类存活下来,并繁衍至今 。恐龙”一词在字典中意思:一类生活在几亿年以前的古动物,现已灭绝.Dinosaurs lived about 200 million in 3500 million years ago to 6500 million years ago, can support the body upright limb of a class of animals, the control of global terrestrial ecosystems over 100 million 6 million years. Most dinosaurs have become extinct, but the descendants of dinosaurs - birds, survive and reproduce so far. Dinosaur "in the dictionary has two meanings: one living in hundreds of millions of years ago the ancient animal, now extinct 。