◇ lineup for major film production The film is directed by director Steve-grams career debut. As an over 40, set series, my I. "triphibian person", the actor Steve go on the road is not so brilliant Stars, but the script is small airs, in 2001 he With "Lovelorn list "has won the British Academy Award for Best Screenwriter nomination. This year, he directed film, the actor is still not give up his career, star of the "video war" ( "the war tape"), seems to be interested in Hollywood to create its own cause "multi-faceted second spring" . The cost of the film's actors are invited from the TV session of young actors and actresses, most experienced inside on the actor, "Crazy beetles vehicle" in the Gushidinglang, he starred in this year, the Dayton Aniston You love comedy "separation of men and women" in supporting roles. Sometimes, the box-office potential comedy special unpredictable, although seemingly not very competitive, but might it was just the audience's appetite for a period of time。