桃子用英语怎么写的( 二 )

4、Can I have a peach, please?Sure!
我可以吃一个桃子吗?当然可以 。
直接源自古法语的pesche , 意为桃子;最初源自晚期拉丁语的pessica , 意为桃子 。
读音:英 ['pi?t?i] 美 ['pi?t?i]
释义:adj. 桃似的;桃色的;<;口>;出色的
短语:Peachy Cantaloupe 桃色哈密瓜
例句:I really like your peachy face, shiny eyes and cherry mouth.
我真的喜欢你蜜桃般的脸 , 羞答答的眼睛和樱桃般的嘴 。
6. 桃子用英文的描写 the shape of it looks like your heart ,smells sweet , tastes delicious ,and it contains many vitamins , but you must make sure it is clear before you eat it , here i would like to tell you a secret of how to wash it ,the importance is salt , keep in mind ! 。