蓝鲸怎么写( 三 )

长到能单个或结对地邀游世界大洋的蓝鲸,可活到120岁 。尽管采用独居的生活方式,但它们有着进行超远距离通迅的先进方法,能产生一种低频率高强度的声音 。
已记录到的声频达 180分贝,这是已知由动产生的最大噪音,超过一架喷气式飞机飞行时产生的噪音 。声音可延续30秒钟,能被1610公里以外的其他蓝鲸听到 。
蓝鲸是自古至今世界上最大、最重的动物 。它在海面上出现时像黑黝黝的小山 。
恐龙 曾是地球上的庞然大物,最大者体长可达25米,体重近50吨,但与蓝鲸相比就显得小了 。人类捕到的最大的蓝鲸,体长竟达34.6米,重170吨,相当于27头大象或150头牛,用4吨卡 车拉这头蓝鲸,需要43辆之多 。
蓝鲸也是动物世界中绝无仅有的大力士 。一头蓝鲸以每小时28千米的速度前进,可产 生1250千瓦的功率,相当于一个中型火车头的拉力 。
曾有一头蓝鲸把一艘27米长的捕鲸快 艇拖着游了8个半小时,平均时速为9千米,当时这艘快艇开足马力向后退行,却仍被它拉 着向前行驶了74千米 。蓝鲸性情温顺,爱吃个头很小的浮游动物,特别嗜吃磷虾 。
蓝鲸吃东西时,张开巨口, 让海水和浮游动物一齐涌入,大有百川汇口之势,然后把嘴一闭,海水从须缝里排出,滤下 的小动物,便可吞入肚中 。蓝鲸的胃口极大,每餐可吃1吨磷虾,一天可吃4-5吨,真可谓是 吃饭冠军了 。
蓝鲸是用肺呼吸的哺乳动物,因此每隔10-15分钟需露出水面呼吸 。蓝鲸露出水面时,先 将肺中的二氧化碳从鼻孔中排出体外,然后再吸气 。
从鼻孔排出的灼热而强有力的二氧化碳 废气,伴有响亮的尖叫声,并把附近的海水也卷出水面,高度可达10米左右,于是海面上出 现了一股壮观的白色雾柱 。由于长期遭到人类的捕杀,蓝鲸的数量由几十万头如今只剩2000头左右 。
由于蓝鲸喜 单独活动,活动范围又极其广阔,数量寥寥可数的蓝鲸,极不容易遇见配偶进行繁殖后代 。有人担忧,蓝鲸将难免灭绝的厄运 。
[十字勋章]的特殊得主 阿根廷与英国海军在争夺福克兰群岛战斗中,出现一位“不速之客”——蓝鲸 。蓝鲸遇到逆戟鲸,英军碰上鱼雷……篮鲸,英军险象环生,生死未卜 。
于是,一则动物与人互救济的故事发生了 。克拉克少校是英海军“勇敢”是驱逐舰的舰长,他带领一支特混舰队,准备从阿军手中夺回福克兰岛 。
刚才出现在雷达荧光屏上的黑点消失了 。克拉克下令解除警戒 。
稍顷,值班军官又惊叫起采:“雷达又捕捉到另外几个信号,就在离鲸鱼不远的地方 。”仔细辨认只见海面上嗜杀成性的逆戟鲸黑压压地窜过来,把一对蓝鲸团团围任 。
这是一个血淋淋的厮杀场面 。凶恶而狡渭的逆戟鲸首先扑向较小的雄蓝鲸 。
几条凶猛的逆戟鲸张开大嘴,露出尖利的牙齿,一下子咬在雄蓝鲸的尾巴上,另几条又凶猛地窜上采咬住雄蓝鲸的头部,硬把雄蓝鲸的舌头给予扯了出来 。受到致命伤害的雄蓝鲸又一次浮出海面,便奄奄一息了 。
很快,逆戟鲸开始向雌蓝鲸发动进攻 。两条逆戟鲸首先发动进攻,两张大嘴一起咬住雌蓝鲸的尾巴 。
雌蓝 。
5. 怎样写蓝鲸的英语作文(不少于50个单词) The blue whale is the biggest on earth, the animals at present adult blue whale can grow to once lived in earth's largest dinosaur -- long arm dragon weight more than twice the bull elephant weight, Africa 30 times or so. The blue whale is the real Marine behemoths, average length about 26 meters, the highest recorded as 33.5 meters, the average weight of 150 tons. Such behemoths need of large amounts of food, an adult blue whale day consumption around 100 million CARDS, equivalent to a ton of krill heat is its bulk, krill food. The blue whale swam into the shallows, swallow water and krill in mouth. As the piston tongue by krill, filtered out by hanging in tongue forced water on both sides of the palate like big sieve structure of the whale must be poured out. A blue whale tongue thick 3 meters, its heavy quantity is heavier than an elephant. The blue whale had roaming the world's oceans, according to statistics, single in the southern ocean have 25 million in such behemoths. But in recent years, ruthless whaling makes the number of blue whale, less than the less 1 per cent of the total. Determine the number of blue whale is very difficult, current estimate of Antarctic hundreds to 1.1 million between. This digital whether correctly or not, and had the number has reached dangerous, compared limit. Although the last 50 years, has been restricted whaling, and in 1967 to enforce its ban on whaling, but in scientific research, still under the guise of the blue whale commercially someone continue hunt. The blue whale migration distance is very big, summer, they live in polar ice edge in nearby waters, plenty of krill for food. When winter comes, they moved to warm the equator waters, travel thousands of miles. It is reported, a blue whale only 47 days alone, more than 3,000 kilometers swim cheng. Such a long journey makes them away from eating base, for four months of time shall not eat. Living with their savings and energy storage. The blue whale pregnancy for 11 months, while a newborn calf 7 meters long exerted, weighs 2 tons or more heavy some, everyday eat milk and a half tons more, a week later, weight is doubled. To 6 months or so, weaning the height can double whale, but need to every four or five years, it was sexual maturity and full development. Long to single or to invite swim world oceans paired off the blue whale, can live to be 120 years. Although using live alone way of life, but they have a newsletter on highly acclaimed distance the advanced method, can produce a kind of low frequency and high strength of voice. Already recorded audio 180 decibels, which is produced by the largest known dynamic noise, more than a jet plane flight noise. Sound can be extended 30 seconds, can be 161 km other than the blue whale heard. 。