跟进邮件怎么写( 二 )

通过做人,拉近了与客户的距离 。通过从简单做起,复杂的问题也可以简单化 。但做外贸业务,最终的结果是业绩,是销量的持续增长和市场份额的不断提升 。接下来,业务员还应深入下去,将客户的激情充分的调动起来,与客户共同开发与管理市场,获取良好的市场业绩,最终使自己成为客户的合作伙伴 。祝大家好运
2. 大家在客人收到样品后都怎么写跟进邮件的 Dear XX,How is everthing going?From FedEx.com, I found that you have received our samples. I will appreciate if you could tell me how much evaluation time you need.Your comments and suggestions are welcomed, and if you are not stasfied with them, pls tell me where we should imporve.Hope all are fine.Yours,XXFYI 。